In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will and Testament of me John Wilcox of the parish of Woking in the County of Surry Wheelwright revoking all former Wills by me at any time made or executed In the first place I commend my soul to God who gave it and that my body be decently buried in the Churchyard of Woking I desire that all my just debts my funeral expences & the expences of proving this my Will to be paid by executors hereinafter mentioned I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Damaris all the rents issues and profits arising from all and every of my real estates that or wheresoever the same may be Vizt house & land in West-field freehold known by the name of Fell Crofts also the wheelwrights shop and premises adjoining the White Hart also a meadow in Send adjoining to the Town Bridge the two last are copyhold with an allotment belonging to the meadow with all and every of my household goods and furniture china glass linen &r for her own use and benefit and be it further understood that if there should not be a sufficiency arising from the rents issues and profits of my forenamed real estate together with my personal estate for a comfortable maintenance for my said widow my Executors shall have full power to borrow money on any of the said estates for that purpose to any amount they may think proper I give and bequeath unto my son William Wilcox all my working tools of all descriptions together with guns pistols and arms of all descriptions except such things whatsoever the same may be that are labeled those things I wish to be delivered according to the respective labels by my Executor as hereafter mentioned as soon as convenient after my dcease Now for the well and true performance of this my Will and for the due execution of the same I nominate and appoint Mr Richard Bonsey Farmer his heirs and assigns & my son William Wilcox and my wife Damaris all of the parish of Woking full and sole Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and also at the end of twelve calendar months after my said Widdow's decease I direct that my Executors or their assigns shall make the best arrangement they can in dividing the remaining property equally between my son William Wilcox and my daughter Mary the wife of Tho.s Colborne of Ripley Fishmonger equal share and share alike which probably may be done without sale but suppose my son William Wilcox should die before his mother not leaving lawful issue of his body I then give devise and bequeath his moiety or half part to be equally divided amongst so many of my daughter Mary's children as shall be living at the time of my said Widow's decease the same to be paid them as they shall attain the age of twenty one years If any unforeseen loss should be sustained by my Execeutors they shall not be accountable for the same but for all journies trouble and expences they shall have full power to satisfy themselves out of the said property Signed sealed published and declared by me the Testator this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two at which time and in my presence and in the presence of each other and at my request the undernamed have here unto subscribed their names as witnesses _ John Wilcox _ John Charles Sanders _ Henry Harry _ Ro.t Bedford. Proved at London 5th March 1823 before the Judge by the oaths of Richard Bonsey & William Wilcox the son two of the Executors to whom Admon was granted have been first sworn by comon duly to adm.r power reserved to Damaris Wilcox Widow the relict the other Exor when she shall apply for the same.