In the Name of God Amen I Mary Weston of the parish of Woking in the County of Surrey being in perfect sense and Memory Thanks be to God do this thirteenth day of April 1728 make and declare this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following And First I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator by the Intercession of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ And I commit my Body to the Grave to be privately buryed with as little charge as common Decency will permit And as to my worldly Estate and Goods I do hereby will and dispose thereof as followeth that is to say I do order and appoint the Thirty pounds Interest Money that my Nephew John Weston of Sutton near Guildford in Surry owes me and which I have for several Years left behind in his Hands from August to February and from February to August again to Defray the main Bulk of the Charge of my Funerall and if it should happen necessarily to cost a few pounds more than I would have and do appoint the Overplus of the above said Expence to be defrayed out of such other Interest money or Moneys as shall happen to be due to me from my above said Nephew Weston at the time of my death the whole Charge not exceeding Forty pounds and I would be buryed eight foot deep under Ground and I do upon the following and above said Conditions appoint constitute and make my above said Nephew John Weston of Sutton and my Nephew William Woolfe of Queens Square by Ormond Street London and my Niece Frances Woolfe his Wife joint Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament they paying or and seeing performed and paid within and just before the end of the first Year after my decease all my Debts and these following Legacyes or any other Legacyes that I shall appoint at or before my death either by Word of Mouth or any particular Writing and First I give and bequeath to my abovesaid Nephew John Weston of Sutton one thousand pounds out of the Twelve hundred pounds that he my said Nephew John Weston has and has had of mine in his Hands during several Years last past I say I give and bequeath to him my said Nephew John Weston the said thousand pounds to pay to him and perform a Legacy of One thousand pounds that was left to him after my death by my late dear Sister Anne Weston in her last Will and Testament dated the twentyeth day of July 1720 I also give and bequeath to my said Nephew John Weston the remaining Two hundred pounds which is part of the Twelve hundred pounds above mentioned as a small Legacy to him from myself I also give and bequeath to my Nephew John Weston and my Niece Frances Woolfe above named the One thousand pounds equally between them which I bought in the South Sea Annuities upon the third of March 1723/4 with all the Interest that shall or may be due to me therefrom at the time of my death upon the abovesaid Conditions and they paying or seeing performed and paid at or within the time above mentioned all my Debts and these following and above mentioned Legacyes I give and bequeath to my Niece Melior Mary Weston only Daughter of my said Nephew John Weston the Four hundred pounds that her Cousin Mr Doughty has of mine in his Hands in a Mortgage upon his Estate with all the Interest that is or shall be due to me from him at the time of my death I also give and bequeath to my Niece Melior Mary Weston the Four hundred pounds that I have in the South Sea Stock Annuities and India Bond that my Nephew Woolfe takes care of for me and for all which I have four Declarations of Trust dated the 12th of September 1726 from him I also give and bequeath to my said Niece Melior Mary Weston the Two hundred pounds that the East India Company has of mine for which I have two East India Bonds of one hundred pounds each in my own keeping the one of them numbered 4612 and the other numbered 4923 these three Sums last above mentioned being One thousand pounds in all I give the principal to my Niece Melior Mary Weston the principal for a small Increase of her substance and the Interest as it shall become due for and from the said last mentioned Sums I give to her my said Niece Melior Mary Weston for her Pockett Money as it shall become due to her I give and bequeath to my Niece Anne Weston fifteen pounds I give and bequeath to my Cousin William Copley Five pounds I give and bequeath one hundred pounds to be distributed amongst the poor as directed I give and bequeath to my Cousin Anne Weston of Bamsted five Guineas I give and bequeath to my Nephew John Weston my white and green Bed with all the Bedding Quilts window Cushions that belongs to it and my worset Chairs in the withdrawing Room and all my Household Goods that are in the drawing Room Chamber and elsewhere at Sutton and all my largest sized pictures that are there I give and bequeath to my Niece Frances Woolfe all my small quantity of Goods and Things whatsoever that are in her custody at her House in Queens Square by Ormond Street at London I give and bequeath to my Nephew William Woolfe Fourscore pounds I give and bequeath to his son my Nephew John Woolfe my Fob Watch with the Seals I also give and bequeath all my little small pieces of Plate that are at Sutton to my Niece Melior Mary Weston I give and bequeath to my Servant Frances Jenkins formerly Frances Aislabye Five pounds a Year to be paid and secured to be paid to her by my Executors and Executrix as followeth during the life of the said Frances Jenkins formerly Frances Aislabye this Five pounds a Year above mentioned during her natural life to satisfie and perform an Obligation laid upon me by my late dear Sister Anne Weston in her last Will and Testament dated the 20th day of July 1720 in which she required me to pay and secure to be paid unto the said then Frances Aislabye during her life Five pounds a Year to perform and satisfie which Obligation I require my Nephew John Weston of Sutton to pay duly and yearly upon the 23 day of August unto the said formerly Frances Aislabye and now Frances Jenkins the sum of Five pounds out of the Use and Interest of the Two hundred pounds that he has of mine in his Hands and for which I have his Bond dated the 30th day of January 1726/7 and I also give and bequeath unto the said Frances Jenkins if she is in my service at my death the remaining Use and Interest of the above said Two hundred pounds during her life as an annuity to her from myself being also Five pounds a Year which I also require my Nephew Weston to pay to her the said Frances Jenkins duly and yearly and the first payment of my own Five pounds to her to begin upon the day just within the end of the first Year from and after the day of my death and if my Nephew Weston shall happen to outlive the said Frances Jenkins he having duly paid and performed the two above mentioned payments to her the said Frances Jenkins formerly Frances Aislabye during her natural life ten and in such Case I give and bequeath unto my said Nephew John Weston the last above mentioned Two hundred pounds and Interest but if the said Frances Jenkins shall happen to outlive my Nephew Weston then and in such case I require my Nephew and Niece Wolfe before named to pay and secure to be paid as above mentioned unto the said Frances Jenkins formerly Aislabye during her natural life the said two sums of Five pounds a Year each at the times above mentioned with the Interest of the said two hundred pounds above mentioned which they and the survivor of them and their Heir after them shall have for that purpose both principal and Interest and shall have both for themselves one after another after the decease of the said Frances Jenkins they having first duly paid the two Sums of Five pounds a Year each as above mentioned unto her the said Frances Jenkins formerly Aislabye during her natural life and secured the same being Ten pounds a Year in all to be paid to her the said Frances Jenkins formerly Aislabye by their Heirs Executors and Administrators in Case they my said Nephew and Niece Wolfe shall not outlive the said Frances Jenkins formerly Aislabye but if the abovesaid Two hundred pounds by being removed shall happen to be lost or the Interest of it otherwise be sunk lower in such Case I require all my Executors above named to pay and secure to be paid unto the said Frances Jenkins formerly Aislabye during her natural life the abovesaid Ten pounds a Year in the two payments as above mentioned out of the other Moneys that I have and shall have for the payment of my Debts and Legacyes and to themselves as above mentioned I give to my Servant Charles Jenkins if he is in my Service at my death Ten pounds and for the payment of such my Debts and Legacyes above mentioned for which I have yet mentioned no particular Sum I require them to be paid out of the Three hundred pounds that my Nephew Weston has of mine in his Hands and for which I have his Bond about Midsummer 1724 and my said Debts and Legacyes being all performed I give and bequeath the Overplus of the said Three hundred pounds to my said Nephew Weston I also give and bequeath to my said Nephew Weston the one hundred pounds that he has of mine and for which I have two Bonds from him of Fifty pounds each my Debts and Legacyes being all first paid I declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the Year and Day first above written. Mary Weston Signed sealed delivered declared and published in the presence of 21 October 1729 On which day appeared personally Henry Clarke of the parish of St Clements Danes in the County of Middlesex Gent and Henry Rayney of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Gent and being severally sworne upon the Holy Evangelists to depose the Truth did severally say and depose that they were severally well acquainted with Mrs Mary Weston late of the Parish of Woking in the County of Surry Spinster deceased for twenty years before and to the time of her death and also with the Manner and Character of her Hand Writing for several years past and they having now severally viewed the Will hereunto annexed beginning thus viz.t In the Name of God Amen I Mary Weston of the parish of Woking in the County of Surrey &r and ending thus viz.t In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the Year and Day first above written and thus subscribed viz.t Mary Weston do severally verily believe the same and the whole series thereof and subscription thereto to be all of the proper Hand Writing of the said Mary Weston they these Deponents having severally frequently seen her write and received several Letters from her Henry Clarke Hen.y Rayney Die pradict Dicti Henricus Clark et Henricus Rayney fina ti fuere super veritate pramissonnii coram me E Hinaston Sur prasnete Tho Gyles junior Probatum fuit linjusinodi Testamentum apid London vicesimo primo Die Mensis Octobris Anno Domini Millesimo septingentesimo vicesimo nono toram ...