The Nuncupative Will of Mary Snelling late of Woking in the County of Surrey widdoe deceased which shee did speake and utter the fifteenth Day of February Anno Dm.i 1654 in the like words tending to the same Effect and purpose before us whose names are subscribed Imp: the said Mary Snelling gave all her Goods to Mary Snelling her daughter It: whereas the said Mary Snelling had surrendered her dwelling house and all the Lands thereunto belonging Unto Richard Daby and Richard Child both of Woking aforesaid yeomen and to theire Heires for ever but upon Condicon they should sell the said house and Land and with part of the money should pay her Debts and what money should remaine they should paie and deliver to Mary Snelling her Daughter when shee should be married or should accomplish the Age of one and twenty years Now the Will of the said Mary Snelling was this that if Mary Snelling her Daughter should dye before shee should be married or should attain to the Age of one and twenty yeares then all the moneys that should remaine due unto her said daughter after her debts were paied and other Charges and moneye satisfied which arose incident about her bussinesse should then be equally divided betweene the Brother and the three sisters of William Snelling her late husband deceased and the five Children of her Brother Thomas Symonds equally to be divided betweene these nine persons or betweene soe manie of them as should be living at the Deathe of the said Marie if shee should happen to die before shee should be marryed or shold attaine to the Age of one and twenty yeares Item her will was that her husbands sisters portion given by theire faither should be truly paied by the said Richard Daby and Richard Child their heires Executors and Assignes Lastly her will was that the sd Richard Daby and Richard Child should be her Executors and should sell her Goods or soe much of them as they should thinke fitt And sholde keepe the money for the Use of the sayd Mary her daughter and should pay the same to the said Marie or her Assigns when shee should be married or shold attaine unto the Age of one and twenty yeares And then likewise they shold deliver unto her the Remainder of the Goods if any shold remaine unsold. Tho: Stimson Robert Martin. This Will nuncupative was proved at London the fifth daie of July in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fiftie and five before the Judges for probate of wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized by the Oathes of Thomas Stimson and Robert Martin Witnesses to the said Will and also by the Oathes of Richard Daby and Richard Child the joint Executor named in and of the said Will To whome the Administration was committed of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Debts of the said deceased they the said Richard Daby and Richard Child having been first legalie sworne well and faythfully to administer the same.