In the Name of God Amen I Melior Mary Weston of Sutton Place in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Spinster being of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say my desire is to be buried in the vault in my Family Chapple adjoining to Trinity Church in Guildford in the said County of Surry in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named And I give to all my Servants living with me at my death Mourning such as my Executor hereinafter named shall in his discretion think fit And I give to the poor of the parish of Woking aforesaid the Sum of ten pounds and to the poor of the town of Guildford the like Sum of ten pounds and direct that the said Sums of ten pounds and ten pounds shall in one Month next after my decease be paid out by my Executor in buying Bread to be distributed amongst the said poor respectively And I give all my Wearing Apparel to my Maid Servant living with me at my death who usually attends in my person And I also give unto her the Sum of ten pounds over and besides what I may then owe her And I give unto my Servant John Morrell the Sum if he should be living with me at my death the Sum of one hundred pounds over and besides what I may then owe him And to my Servant Richard Sandford if he lives with me at the time of my death the Sum of one fifty pounds for his Fidelity and diligent Attendance on me during my Sauciness over and besides what I may then owe him at the time of my decease And to my Servant John Fladgate if he live with me at my decease the Sum of one twenty pounds over and besides what I may owe him And to all the Rest of my Servants not herein before named or mentioned who shall live with me at my decease the Sum of ten pounds a piece over and besides what I shall owe them respectively at my death And I give to the several persons herein after named the several Sums of Money herein after mentioned that is to say to Mrs Bridget Mornington of Sarnsfield in the County of Hereford the Sum of five hundred pounds To the Right Honorable William Hall Lord Viscount Gage in the Kingdom of Ireland And to his Brother The Honorable Thomas Gage two hundred Pounds a piece to Maria Gage oldest Daughter of the said Thomas Gage one Hundred Pounds to the Right Honorable Henry Lord Arundel of Wardour the Sum of twenty pounds to Christina Lady Arundel his Wife the Sum of twenty pounds to Henrietta Countess of ??? the Sum of twenty pounds To Lady Gage Wife of the aforesaid William Hall Lord Viscount Gage the Sum of twenty pounds To Mrs Porter Wife of ______ Porter of Bath Esquire and Daughter of Cosmas Nevill Esquire deceased the like Sum of twenty pounds To William Nevill Son of the said Cosmas Neville the like Sum of twenty pounds To the Right Honourable Ann Countess of Newburgh the Sum of twenty pounds To Mrs Charlotte Gastaldi Widow the Sum of twenty pounds To the Right Honourable Teresa Countess Dowager of Traquaire the Sum of twenty pounds To her Sister Miss Elizabeth Congers Spinster and to Miss Margaret Preston of Carey Street Lincolns Inn Fields Spinster the Sum of fifty pounds a piece to Mrs Frances Fitz Gerald of East Horsely in the said County of Surry Mrs Elizabeth Oglethorpe Wife of General Larry Oglethorpe Mrs Ann Mornington of Sairnsfield aforesaid Mrs Ann Tipping late of Woolley in the County of Bucks Widow Mrs Elizabeth Cavendish of Luffield in the County of Bucks Widow Mrs Ann Winter Wife of Forth Winter of Pall Mall Esquire Mrs _____ Bird Wife of Mr Bird of Reigate in the said County of Surry and Mrs Mary Arundel of Princes Street Hanover Square Widow the like Sum of twenty pounds a piece To Mary Markham the elder Daughter of George Markham late of Claxby in the County of Lincoln Esquire deceased the like Sum of twenty pounds and to her sister Catherine Markham the Sum of five pounds to Molier Mary Air Widow Daughter of Richard Jenkins late of Sutton in Woking aforesaid deceased the Sum of three pounds and three shillings To Philip Mant my old Workman the Sum of two pounds and two shillings To Ann Otway Wife of John Otway of Sutton in Woking aforesaid my old workwoman the like Sum of two pounds and two shillings And to David Francis one of my old Tenants the Sum of ten pounds And I also give to the said David Francis all Arrears of Rent which shall be due and owing from him and his late Father or either of them to me at my decease And I do hereby in aid of my Personal Estate not herein after and hereby specifically given or disposed of charge all my Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate whatsoever with the payment of the debts of my Father which are now but few and those small and all such of my own just debts as are not Serviced by Mortgage or Mortgages notwithstanding the debts aforesaid or any of them have been or shall be due and owing before or beyond the time limitted by the Statute for Payment of Debts and of my Funeral Expences and the aforesaid pecuniary Legacies which Legacies I direct shall be paid at the end of twelve Calendar Months next after my decease And I give and devise unto John Morrell aforesaid his Heirs and Assigns for and during the Life of Melior Mary Davis the Wife of James Davis of Sutton aforesaid one Annuity or Yearly Rent of five pounds clear of and without any Deduction or Abatement whatsoever out of the same or any part thereof for or by reason of any Taxes Charges or Impositions whatsoever to the Issuing and going out of all my Messuages Lands and Tenements Hereditaments and Real estate in the said County of Surry and to be paid by equal half yearly payments the first half yearly payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of six calendar Months next after my decease to have hold receive and take the said Annuity or Yearly Rent of five pounds unto the said John Morrell his Heirs and Assigns for and during the Life of the said Melior Mary Davis In trust that they the said John Morrell his Heirs and Assigns do and shall from time to time pay the said Annuity or Yearly Rent of five pounds into the proper Hands of the said Melior Mary Davis for her sole and separate use and disposal Exclusive of the said James Davis the Husband and wherewith he shall not in any wise intermeddle neither shall the same or any part thereof be subject or liable to his Debts Controlls or Management or nonengagements but the Receipt and Receipts of the said Melior Mary Davis shall only be Effectual and sufficient discharge for the said Annuity or Yearly Rent of Five pounds or such part or parts thereof as shall be therein respectively acknowledged and expressed to be received And if it shall happen that the said Annuity or Yearly Rent of five pounds or any half yearly payment thereof shall be behind and unpaid in part or in the whole by the Space of twenty one Days next after the day or time whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid then and so often and from time to time it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Morrell his Heirs and Assigns into and upon my said Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate charged therewith as aforesaid or any part or parts thereof to enter and distrain for the said Annuity or Yearly Rent or so much thereof as shall be in arrear and all arrears thereof and the Distress and Distresses then and there found to take hold drive carry away and impound and in Pound to detain and keep until the said Annuity or Yearly Rent and all Arrears thereof and Costs Charges and Expences attending the taking such distress or distresses shall be fully paid and satisfied and in default in due time after such distress or distresses shall be so taken to appraise and sell or dispose of the same Distress or Distresses or otherwise to demean therein according to Law in like manner as in distresses taken for Rent reserved and due upon Lease or Demise to the Intent that thereby the said John Morrell his Heirs or Assigns shall and may be fully paid and satisfied the said Annuity or Yearly Rent and all Arrears thereof and all Costs Charges and Expences attending the Recovery thereof and subject and charged and chargeable as aforesaid and with the said Annuity or Yearly Sum of five pounds and the Remedies for the same charged as aforesaid on my Surry Estate I give and devise all my Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate in the Counties of Surry aforesaid Sussex and Stafford and elsewhere in the Kingdom of Great Britain unto John Webbe Son of Thomas Webbe of Brooke Green near Hammersmith in the County of Middlesex Esquire for and during his the said John Webbes natural Life without Impeachment of or for any manner of waste and from and after the determination of that Estate I give and devise all my said Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate unto Richard Street of West Clandon in the aforesaid County of Surry Gentleman and Robert Broughton of Send in the said County of Surry Gentleman and their Heirs for and during the term of the natural Life of the said John Webbe upon trust to support and preserve the contingent Estates thereof herein after limited from being ?????d or discontinued and for that purpose to make entries as occasion shall require but nevertheless to permit and suffer the said John Webbe and his Assigns to have and take the Rents and Issues and Profits of the said devised premises to his and their own use and uses for and during the term of his natural Life without Impeachment of or for any manner of waste and from and immediately after his decease I give and devise all the said premises unto the first Son of the Body of the said John Webbe lawfully to be begotten and the Heirs Male of the Body of such first Son lawfully issuing and for default of such Issue I give and devise all the said devised premises unto the second Son of the Body of John Webbe lawfully to be begotten and the Heirs Male of the Body of such second Son lawfully issuing and for default of such Issue I give and devise all the said devised premises unto the third Son and all and every other Son and Sons of the Body of the said John Webbe lawfully to be begotten severally and successively one after another as they and every of them shall be in Seniority of Age and priority of birth and to the several and respective Heirs Male of the Body and Bodies of all and every such Son and Sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest of such Sons and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully issuing being always referred and to take before the younger of such Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their Body and Bodies lawfully issuing and for default of such Issue I give and devise all the said devised premises unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the Body of the said John Webbe lawfully to be begotten equally to be divided between them share and share alike and to take as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants in case there shall be more than one such Daughter and to the Heirs of the Body and Bodies of such daughter and Daughters respectively And for default of such Issue I give and devise all my said Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate unto William Plunkett Son of James Plunket of Woolhampton in the aforesaid County of Berks commonly called Earl of Fingall now an Infant of tender Years for and during his the said William Plunketts natural Life without Impeachment of or for any manner of Waste with such Remainder to the said Richard Street and Robert Broughton and their Heirs for and during the term of the natural Life of him the said William Plunkett In trust to preserve the contingent Remainders and with such and the life Remainders and Estates to the Sons and Daughters of the said William Plunkett and the Heirs of their Bodies in such and the like manner and form as I have above devised and limitted the said devised Premises unto the Sons and Daughters of the said John Webbe and for default of such Issue of the said William Plunket I give and devise all the said devised Premises unto the Right Heirs of the said John Webbe for ever provided always and my Will is and I do hereby declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Webbe and the Sons or Daughters of his Body begotten and also for the said William Plunket and the Sons or Daughters of his Body begotten when and as they shall severally and respectively be in the actual possession of or intitled to the Receipt of the Rents Issues and Profits of the Messuages Lands Hereditaments and Premises herein before devised by virtue of or under any of the Estates or Limitations thereof Limited or created by virtue of this my Will and for the Guardians or respective Guardians of any such Son or Sons Daughter or Daughters during their respective Minorities by Indenture or Indentures under their respective Hands and Seals to demise Lease or grant all or any of my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and Real Estate (except my Manor of the Maze in the Borough of Southwark in the aforesaid County of Surry and the Lands and Tenements thereto belonging and my other Lands and Tenements in the said Borough of Southwark which may be demised as herein after mentioned) to any person or persons for any term or number of years not exceeding Twenty one Years to take Effect in Possession and not in Reversion or by way of future Interest so as upon every such Demise Lease or Grant there be reserved to continue due and payable during the Continuance thereof to be incident to and go along with the Reversion or Remainders expectant on every such Demise Lease or Grant the best and most improved Yearly Rent which can reasonably be had and obtained for such part or parts of the premises as shall be comprized therein respectively without taking any Fine or Income or any other thing in nature or in Lieu of a Fine or Income for or in respect of the making such Demises Leases or Grants and so as in all and every such Demises Leases or Grants there be contained a Clause or Condition of Reentry in case the said Rent or Rents thereby to be reserved be behind or unpaid by the Space of twenty one days and so as there be not contained in any such Demise Lease or Grant any Clause or Words whereby any Power or Authority shall be given to any Lessee or Grantee whomsoever to request Waste or relief for any such Lessee or Grantee shall be exempted from Forfeiture or Punishment for committing the same and so as every such Lessee or Grantee do and shall Execute a Counterpart of each such Lease or Grant respectively And my Will also is And I do hereby declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Webbe and the Sons or Daughters of his Body begotten and also to and for the said William Plunket and the Sons or Daughters of his Body begotten when and as they shall severally and respectively be in the actual possession of or intitled to the Receipt of the Rents Issues and Profits of the said Messuages Lands Hereditaments and Premises herein before devised by virtue of or under any of the Estates or Limitations thereof limited or created by virtue of this my Will and for the Guardians or respective Guardians of any such Son or Sons Daughter or Daughters during their respective Minorities by Indenture or Indentures under their respective Hands and Seals from time to time to demise Lease or Grant such part or parts of the said Messuages Lands and Hereditaments as are situate within my said Manor of the Maze or in the Borough of Southwark aforesaid upon which Lands any Messuage Dwelling House or other Buildings now is or shall be then standing and being and which any person or persons shall be willing to Rebuild and impose and also such part or parts of the Ground and Premises not before built upon or upon which no Erection or Building shall be then standing and being unto any person or persons for any for any term or number of years not exceeding Sixty one Years to take Effect in Possession and not in Remainder or by way of future Interest so as upon every such last mentioned Leases so to be made and granted as aforesaid there be reserved to continue payable half yearly or oftner during the terms in such Leases to be granted to be incident to and go along with the Reversion or Remainder of the same premises immediately expectant thereon the best and most improved Yearly Rent and Rents that can at the time of making or granting such Leases be reasonably had or got for such the same without taking any Fine premium or Foregift for or in respect of the making thereof And also the end or Expiration of the first fourteen Years of any of the said terms so to be granted as aforesaid to renew the said Leases and grant new Leases of the said Premises from time to time for the term of sixty one years commencing and to take Effect from the Expiration of the said term of fourteen years under the same Rent as was before reserved in the former Leases the Lessee paying unto the person so granting such Lease or Leases such a Sum of Money as such Person shall think fit for and by way of a Fine for the Renewal thereof at the end of every fourteen Years and also to renew any other Leases of the said Premises which shall be Subsisting at the time of my decease for the like term of Sixty one years commencing and to take Effect from the expiration of the first fourteen Years thereof in the same manner as aforesaid And also to demise Lease and Grant any of the Messuages Ground Buildings and Premises situate standing or being within the said Manor of the Maze or in the said Borough of Southwark on which Ground any Erection or Building shall then be Built standing or being for any term or number of years not exceeding thirty one Years for repairing and Improving the said Buildings and Premises with Liberty of taking such Fine or Fines for granting such last mentioned Lease or Leases so to be granted as aforesaid there be reserved to continue payable half yearly or oftner during the continuance of such Leases as great a Yearly Ground Rent at the least as shall then be reserved or payable for the same And so as no Clause be contained in any one of the several Leases to be granted as aforesaid giving power to any Lessee or Lessees to r???mit waste or Exempting him her or them from Punishment foir committing the same and so as the respective Lessees execute counterparts of all such building and Repairing Leases And I do hereby desire and direct authorize and empower and also require and enjoin the said John Webbe to compleat and carry into Execution all and every such Contracts and Agreements as will by parole or otherwise which at my death shall be Subsisting or depending between me and any person or persons for Letting Setting Leasing or Demising any of my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and also between me and any person or persons for the Sale of any Timber or wood upon any of my said Lands or Hereditaments and also all other Contracts and Agreements between me and any person or persons whomsoever and that in all things according to the true Intent and Meaning of all the said Contracts or Agreements And my Will further is and I do hereby direct that all such Leasehold Lands Grounds and Tenements as I have or am or shall be entitled to for any Term or number of years shall from and immediately after my Death go and belong to the Person or Persons who for the time being shall by Virtue of this my Will be entitled to my Real Estate aforesaid for such Estates and Interests as I have herein before given to them respectively therein to the end and Intent that the said Leasehold Lands Grounds and Tenements and my said Real Estate may go and be held and enjoyed together so long as the nature of my Estates and Interests in the said Leasehold Lands Grounds and Tenements will permit And my Will further is and I do also direct that all my Plate Pictures Household Goods and Utensils in my Mansion House at Sutton Place aforesaid and my Mansion House of Roughey Place in Sussex shall go and belong to the Person or Persons who for the time being shall by Virtue of this my Will be entitled to my said Mansion House for such estates as I have hereby given to them respectively therein and be held and enjoyed therewith as Heir Looms as far as the Rules of Law or Equity will permit And I do desire and request that the said John Webbe and such other persons and person who for the time being shall by Virtue of this my Will be entitled to my said Real Estate shall and will take and constantly use the Sir Name of Weston And I give and bequeath all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods Chattels Credits and Personal Estate unto the said John Webbe his Executors Administrators and Assigns And I hereby nominate make and appoint the said John Webbe sole Executor of this my Will In Witness whereof I have to each and every sheet of this my Will the whole thereof being wrote on six sheets of paper set my Hand and to the last sheet thereof my Seal also this seventh day of April in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy six _ Melior Mary Weston Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Melior Mary Weston the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request have hereunto Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in her presence and in the presence of each other of us Jn.o Livets of Albemarle Street _ K Corse of Scotland Yard Whitehall _ Mich. Barnes This Will was proved at London the seventeenth day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two before the Worshipful Thomas Bever Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of John Webbe Esquire the sole Executor named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased he having been first Sworn duly to administer.