This is the last Will and Testament of me Candler Steward of No 7 Rockingham Row West New Kent Road Surry I give devise and bequeath all my Estate and Effects unto Mr William White of the Blackfriars Road Linen Draper and Mr John Harris Junior of Clapham Common Bookseller in trust for the payment and satisfaction of my debts and then in trust to pay unto my Sister Mrs George Ward the interest or dividend of one thousand pounds Three Per Cent Consols for the term of her life and after her decease in trust to divide the principal amongst her five children Anne Ward Ellen Ward Harriet Ward Sarah Ward and Samuel Ward in equal shares and proportions I give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Steward the sum of one thousand pounds Stock Three Per Cent Consols I appoint the said William White and John Harris Executors of my Will _ Candler Steward Witnesses in the joint presence of this 19th Aug 1841 _ John Macartney Nolan _ Charles Shaw. Appeared Personally Charles Shaw of No 47 Fish Street Hill in the City of London Gentleman and made Oath that he is one of the subscribed Witnesses to the last Will and Testament of Candler Steward late of Rockingham Row West New Kent Road in the County of Surry deceased bearing date the nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one now hereunto annexed And he further made Oath that on the nineteenth day of August aforesaid the said Testator duly executed his said Will by signing his name at the foot or end thereof in the presence of this Deponent and of John Macartney Nolan the other subscribed Witness thereto both of whom were present at the same ...