This is the last Will and Testament of me John Vincent of Beech Hill in the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surry Esquire I Give and Devise unto my Niece Elizabeth Breton Daughter of Benjamin Day of Kensington in the County of Middlesex Esq.r and to her Heirs All that or those my undivided third Part or Parts of and in all those my two Messuages or Tenements with their Appurtenances Situate standing and being in half Moon Street in the Strand London adjoining to each other one in the Occupation of _______ Camnest Cabinet maker and the other in the Occupation of _______ a plumber and also of and in all that undivided third part of a Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate standing and being in Chandois Street near Covent Garden London and now or late in the Occupation of Hillary Wild a Baker and also of and in a Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate standing and being at Torpoint in the County of Cornwall now in the Occupation of ________ To have and to hold the said third part or parts of and in the said several Messuages or Tenements with their several and respective Appurtenances unto my said Niece Elizabeth Breton and her Heirs for ever Also I Give and bequeath unto my Friends Richard Street of West Clandon in the County of Surry Gentleman and John Chandler of Guildford in the said County of Surry Gentleman their Executors and Administrators All and Singular my Household Goods and Furniture of household Plate Jewels Books Ready Money Arrears of Rent and all and Singular my Personal Estate and Effects of every sort and kind In Trust that they or the Survivor or Survivors of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor do as soon as may be after my Decease convert the same into Money and thereout pay all my just Debts (Except a Mortgage of five hundred pounds on my Copyhold Estate at Wokeing and the sum of Fifty pounds to William Vincent of Hardwick in the parish of Chertsey in the County of Surry the sum of Fifty pounds to James Vincent of Guildford aforesaid and the sum of Fifty pounds to Anne Tull of Chertsey aforesaid Widow) within three Months next after my decease and as my Personal Estate will not be sufficient to pay and Satisfy my just debts and Legacys so directed to be paid thereout I do hereby charge my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Farms Lands and Tenements with their Appurtenances which are standing and being in the Tithings of Crastock and Sutton Moors in the Parish of Woking in the said County of Surry and now in the Occupation of James Wigman or his Assigns and my Copyhold Estate Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Premises with their Appurtenances situate standing and being in the Parish of Yately in the County of Southampton and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Edward Pain and which I have surrendered to the use of my last Will with the payment of so much thereof as my Personal Estate will not extend to pay Also I Give and Devise unto Ann Tulle of Chertsey aforesaid Widow for and during the Term of her natural Life One Annuity or Yearly Rent Charge of Forty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain Also I Give and devise to my Servant William Hill for and during his natural Life One Annuity or Yearly Rent Charge of Fifteen Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain both which Annuitys of Forty Pounds to Ann Tull and Fifteen Pounds to William Hill I order to be paid out of my Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Premises called Moore Lane and now in the Occupation of Thomas Baker or his assigns by equal half yearly Payments free from any deductions or Abatements whatsoever for or on Account of Taxes or any other matter whatsoever and which Estate I make chargeable with the same the first Payment to begin and be made within Six Calendar Months next after my decease Also I Give and devise unto the said Richard Street and John Chandler their Executors and Administrators All that and those my Freehold and Copyhold Messuages and Tenements Farms Lands and Premises situate standing and being in Wokeing aforesaid and now in my own Occupation and also all that and those my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Premises and the Great Tithes of the Tithing of Sutton and one Acre of Copyhold Meadow Ground with their Appurtenances in the Parish of Wokeing and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Thomas Baker or his Assigns And also all that my Freehold and Leasehold Messuage or Tenement Farm and Lands in Wokeing aforesaid in the Occupation of James Wigman or his Assigns and also all that my Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Premises situate standing and being at Pirford in the said County of Surry and now in the Tenure or Occupation of my Cousin John Vincent or his Assigns together with one Acre of Copyhold Land in the Occupation of John Vanndle and also all that my Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate standing and being in Chandois Street near Covent Garden London now in the Tenure or late Occupation of _______ Carter a Mercer or his Assigns and also all that my Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate standing and being in Bedfordbury near Covent Garden London and late in the Occupation of _______ Gibbon a Baker or his Assigns and also all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Farm and Lands with the Appurtenances situate standing and being in the Parish of Yately in the County of Southampton and late in the Occupation of _______ Gibbon a Baker or his Assigns and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Edward Pain or his Assigns To have and to hold unto the said Richard Street and John Chandler their Executors and Administrators In Trust to for and upon the Several Uses Trusts Intents and Purposes hereinafter mentioned of and concerning the same (that is to say) In Trust to receive the Rents Issues and Profits thereof in the first Place to pay the Interest on the Mortgages of the Freehold and Copyhold Estates and of such other of my Debts as my Personal Estate will not extend to pay as bear Interest then retain thereout forty Pounds by the year to themselves for the Maintenance Education and bringing up of Nicholas Vincent Brocas now of the Age of Eight years and upwards and who is now under the Gaze of the Reverend Mr. Willis of Hollybourne near Alton in the County of Southampton untill his attainment of Twenty one years of Age which will be on the ninth Day of October in the year One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Five and on such his attainment of Twenty one Years of Age I order the Sum of five hundred Pounds of lawful money to be paid him and I make my estates before mentioned called Moor Lane and Tith of Sutton chargeable with the Payment thereof and also to retain out of the Rents and Profits of my Estate two hundred Pounds to put the said Nicholas Vincent Brocas out as an Apprentice or for his Advancem. in the World as they shall think Proper then as for and concerning all those my Freehold and Copyhold Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands and Premises with their Several Appurtenances in my own Occupation and the several occupations of Thomas Baker and John Vincent In Trust in the first place by Mortgage of a sufficient part thereof to raise the Sum of Seven hundred Pounds and pay the same at the end of Six Calendar Months next after my decease in manner following that is to say One hundred Pounds to Elizabeth the wife of Henry Tatchel of Chertsey Grocer One hundred Pounds to Edmund Vincent of Woking Yeoman One hundred Pounds to Mary the Wife of John Millist of Newhaw Yeoman One hundred Pounds to Anne the Wife of Anthony Capeon of Sutton Yeoman One hundred Pounds to Thomas Vincent of Leadenhall Street London Grocer One hundred Pounds to John Vincent of Pirford Yeoman and One hundred Pounds to Peter Vincent late of Windsor tallowchander who are all Sons and Daughters of my Uncle Edmund Vincent late of Pirford deceased and Subject and chargeable with the said Sum of seven hundred Pounds the payment of the Annuity of Forty Pounds to the said Ann Tull the Annuity of Fifteen Pounds to William Hill and the payment of Five hundred Pounds to Nicholas Vincent Brocas In Trust for John Vincent West Son of my Cousin and Tennant John Vincent of Pirford aforesaid and his Heirs untill his attainment of Twenty one Years of Age and the Rents Issues and Profits thereof from time to time to apply and dispose of for his use Maintenance and Education in such manner as they or the survivor or survivors of them shall in their discretion think most proper and from and after the said John Vincent shall have attained his age of Twenty one Years then In Trust to convey the said Freehold and Copyhold Messuages and Tenements Lands Tithes and Premises in my own Occupation and the Occupation of Thomas Baker John Vincent and John Pannell with their Several and respective Appurtenances unto the said John Vincent and his Heirs then as for and Concerning All that Messuage or Tenement and Premises situate in Chandois Street in the Occupation of ______ Carter a Mercer And all that Messuage or Tenement and Premises situate in Bedfordbury late in the Occupation of ______ Gibbon a Baker In Trust to receive the Rents and Profits of the same and apply them to the sole Use and Benefit of the same Nicholas Vincent Brocas and from and after the said Nicholas Vincent Brocas shall have attained his age of Twenty one Years then In Trust to convey the said Messuages in Chandois Street and Bedfordbury to the said Nicholas Vincent Brocas and his Heirs but in Case the said Nicholas Vincent Brocas should happen to die before his attainment of Twenty one Years of Age without leaving any lawful Issue of his Body or having disposed of the Estate by Will or otherwise then I Give the said two last Messuages or Tenements and Premises in Chandois Street and Bedfordbury to Cousin John Vincent Son of my Tennant John Vincent and his Heirs And as for and Concerning that part of my Freehold and Leasehold Messuage or Tenement and Premises which lie in the Tithings of Crastock and Sutton which are in the Occupation of James Wigman (two Pieces of Land called Stile Pitten and round Acre which lie in the Tithing of Mayford and are part of Stylers or Beech Hill excepted) and the Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Premises with the Appurtenances lying in the Parish of Yately in the County of Southampton and in the Occupation of Edward Paine In Trust to sell and dispose of the same as soon as conveniently may be after my decease for the best Price and Prices or most Money that can be had for the same and apply the Money to be raised by such Sale and Sales in manner following that is to say in the first place pay the Principal and Interest Money which is and shall be due on Mortgage of my Freehold Estate and then pay and discharge all my other Debts (the Mortgage on my Copyhold Estate excepted) which shall remain due and unpaid after the Produce of my Personal Estate shall be expended for that Purpose and then divide the Remainder thereof in equal Proportions between and amongst my Cousins Elizabeth Tatchell Edmund Vincent Mary Millist Ann Capion Thomas Vincent John Vincent and Peter Vincent Also I Give and Bequeath to John Vincent Son of my Tenant John Vincent and his Heirs All those two pieces of Land called Stile Pitton and round Acre which are in the Occupation of James Wigman which I have excepted out of the Sale of the Estate in the Occupation of the said James Wigman and for the facilitating of such Sale or Sales as aforesaid I do hereby direct that the Receipt and Receipts of them the said Richard Street and John Chandler and the Survivor of them and the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall be a sufficient discharge and discharges to the respective Purchaser and purchasers of the same Messuages or Tenements Lands and Premises or any part thereof for so much of his her or their respective Purchase Money as shall be therein mentioned to have been received and after such Receipt and Receipts given such Purchaser or Purchasers respectively shall not be obliged to See to the Application of such Purchase Money or any Part thereof or be answerable or accountable for the Loss Misapplication or Nonapplication thereof or any part thereof and that from and after such Sale or Sales respectively as aforesaid and such Receipts shall be given for the Purchase Money as aforesaid all the said Premises which shall be Sold in such manner disposed of and conveyed shall be and remain to the only Use of such Purchasor or Purchasors to whom the same shall be so respectively sold disposed of and Conveyed and of his her and their Heirs respectively for ever And my Will is and I do hereby direct that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Richard Street and John Chandler from time to time by Indenture duly executed to lease any part of the said Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Tiths and Premises with their Appurtenances to any Person or Persons whomsoever in Respect to those estates that are given to John Vincent son of my Cousin John Vincent for no longer term than to the Michaelmas next following after his attainment of One and Twenty Years of age and in Respect to those Messuages or Tenements given to Nicholas Vincent Brocas for no longer Term than to the Michaelmas next following after his Attainment of Twenty One Years of Age so as such Leases shall be made with usual Covenants with Clauses for Payment of Rent half yearly and for Reentry in Case of Nonpayment Also I Give to the said Richard Street and John Chandler and to each of them the Sum of Twenty Guineas which I desire they will accept of to buy a Ring And I nominate constitute and appoint the said Richard Street and John Chandler to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I do direct that they the said Richard Street and John Chandler their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns shall not be accountable for any Trust Money otherwise than each Person for what he shall respectively receive and not the one of them for the other of them or for the Defaults of the other of them but each for his own Acts only and not for any Loss that may happen by Default of Tithe or Failure of any Fund or Security in or upon which any Trust Money may be laid out and invested nor in any involuntary Loss whatsoever and it shall and may be lawful for the said Richard Street and John Chandler their Heirs Executors and Administrators and every one of them out of such trust Money as shall come to their or any of their Hands to deduct and default to themselves and pay to any Cop Trustee or Trustees all Costs Charges & damages which they or either of them shall or may sustain or be put unto in the Execution of the Trusts hereby created or any of them or any ways relating thereto and reasonably for their Journies Trouble and Attendances therein In Witness whereof I the said John Vincent the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the preceding Eight Sheets of Paper to each Sheet thereof set my hand and to this last sheet thereof set my Hand and Seal this fifteenth day of December one thousand seven hundred and seventy two _ John Vincent. Signed Sealed published and declared by the said John Vincent as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence Subscribe our Names as Witnesses thereto, Jas Forster, Jas Snelling Jun.r, Charles Ede. This Will was proved at London the thirteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and seventy three Before the Worshipful George Hay Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Richard Street and John Chandler the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was Granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased having been first Sworn by Commission duly to Administer.