This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah Beck of Woking in the County of Surrey made this 14th day of March 1848 being of sound mind After payment of all my just debts I hereby will & bequeath to my beloved children to be divided in equal parts amongst them all my furniture & Personal Effects I further will that the sum of 200œ in the 31/4 per cent Consolidated Stock now standing in the joint names of John Beck & Sarah Beck be transferred to the heirs & executors of my aforesaid son John Beck in the event of his death occurring before mine _ Sarah Beck_ As witness our hands in the presence of. Mary Ann Pain _ William Henry Jackson. In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury In the Goods of Sarah Beck Widow deceased Appeared Personally Mary Ann Bailey (wife of Henry Bailey) formerly Pain Spinster of Pyrford near Guildford in the County of Surrey and made oath that she is one of the subscribed witnesses to the last Will and Testament of Sarah Beck late of Woking in the County of Surrey widow deceased the said will being now hereunto annexed and bearing date the fourteenth day of March 1848 And having now carefully inspected the said will she the Appearer further made oath that the said deceased duly executed the same on the aforesaid day of the date thereof by subscribing her name at the end thereof as the same now appears in the presence of her the Appearer and of William Henry Jackson the other subscribed witness thereto both of whom were present at the same time and thereupon subscribed their names to and attested such the execution of the said will in the presence of each other and of the said deceased _ Mary Ann Bailey _ On the thirtieth day of October 1851 the said Mary Ann Bailey was duly sworn to the Truth hereof. Before me J Spinks Surr _ Jst Wm J Pritchard Not Pub. On the 21st November 1851 Admon with the will annexed of the Goods Chattels and Credits of Sarah Beck late of Woking in the County of Surrey Widow was granted to Harriet Beck Spinster one of the natural and lawful children having been first sworn duly to Administer. No Executor or Residuary Legatee.