This is the last Will and Testament of me James Waterer of Mayford in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Yeoman I give devise and bequeath all my freehold copyhold and leasehold messuages tenements farms lands hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever and wheresoever the same shall be situate lying and being unto and to the use of my friends William Collyer of Hill Place in the Parish of Horsell in the said County of Surrey Yeoman and James Fladgate of Woking aforesaid Miller their heirs and assigns Upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes hereinafter expressed that is to say upon trust to convey surrender and assure one equal undivided third part or share of all my said estates unto my dear wife Maria Waterer her heirs and assigns for ever for her own use benefit and disposal and upon trust to convey surrender and assure one other equal undivided third part or share of my said estates unto my daughter Maryanne Stevens otherwise Waterer her heirs and assigns when and as soon as she shall attain the age of twenty one years and upon trust to convey surrender and assure the other or remaining equal undivided third part or share of my said estates unto my daughter Maria Waterer her heirs and assigns for ever when and as soon as she shall attain the age of twenty one years and it is my will and I direct the said trustees of this my will to receive the rents and profits of the respective shares of my said estates devised to my said daughters until they shall attain their respective ages of twenty one years and pay and apply the same to and for the maintenance education and advancement in the world of my said children I also give and bequeath all my monies effects and Personal Estate unto the said William Collyer and James Fladgate their executors and administrators Upon trust (after converting and collecting the same and paying thereout all my debts funeral testamentary and executorial charges and expenses) to divide the same into three equal parts or shares and then to pay one of such equal parts of my said residuary personal estate unto my said wife for her own benefit and disposal one other equal third part thereof for the maintenance education and support of my said daughter Mary Anne Stevens otherwise Waterer until her age of twenty one years and then to transfer and pay to her the capital of such third part of my said residuary estate and as to the other equal third part my said residuary personal estate upon trust that they my said trustees shall pay the income thereof for the maintenance education and support of my said daughter Maria Waterer until her age of twenty one years and then to transfer and pay to her the capital of such last mentioned third part of my residuary personal estate unto her my said daughter Maria Waterer And I nominate constitute and appoint the said William Collyer and James Fladgate Executors of this my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said James Waterer have to this my last will and testament set my hand this ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred and forty four - James Waterer Signed by the above named James Waterer as his last will and testament in the presence of us who being present at the same time and in his presence and in the presence of each other set our names as Witnesses J Rand Sol.r Guildford - George Stevens of Mayford - William Daborn of Mayford Proved at London 12th August 1845 before the Judge by the oath of William Collyer one of the Executors to whom admon was granted having been first sworn by comon duly to administer power reserved of making the like grant to James Fladgate the other Executor when he shall apply for the same.