This is the last Will and Testament of me Hannah Williams late of Woking in the County of Surrey but now of Kingston upon Thames in the same County Widow I direct that all my just debts funeral and Testamentary expenses and charges be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease by my Executors hereinafter named I direct that my body may be buried in Woking Church yard by the side of my husband and I direct that a double head and foot stone shall be placed at the head and foot of both our Graves I order and direct my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to make sale and dispose of either by public auction or private contract all that copyhold messuage now in three tenements with the garden outhouses and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in the Tything of Shackleford in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey and now in the respective occupations of Mrs. Harboe Mrs Punter and James Newton for the best price or money that can be reasonably obtained for the same in the judgement of my said Executors and to convey and assure the same and all my Estate and Interest therein to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and to his her and their heirs and assigns for ever And I declare that the receipt and receipts of my said Executors shall effectually discharge such purchaser or purchasers from all liability to see to the application of such purchase money in respect or on account of the loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof I give and bequeath to Henry Martin of Kingston aforesaid the husband of my late Niece Sophia Martin the sum of fifteen pounds and to Alfred Martin son of the said Henry Martin the sum of five pounds I give to my Niece Mary Hewetson daughter of my Sister Sarah Pelham wife of John Pelham the sum of ten pounds I give to my sister the said Sarah Pelham my bed and bedding I give and bequeath my six silver tea spoons to my sister Rebecca Morris wife of Edward Morris I give and bequeath all my clothes linen and wearing apparel between my three sisters the said Sarah Pelham, Rebecca Morris and Charlotte Gunnering to be equally divided between them and in case they should disagree in such division I direct my Executors to divide the same equally between them I give and bequeath unto William Martin son of the said Henry and Sophia Martin one of my two watches to take which one he prefers and to William Hewetson the son of the said Mary Hewetson I give and bequeath my other watch and to William Robinson son of my Brother John Robinson I bequeath a pair of silver tablespoons and as to all my household furniture goods chattels and all the Rest and Residue of my Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever I may be possessed at the time of my decease I give devise and bequeath the same equally between my Brothers and Sisters John Robinson, William Robinson, Sarah Pelham, Rebecca Morris and Charlotte Gunnering equally to be divided between them share and share alike And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Brother the said John Robinson and Mr John Constable of Kingston aforesaid shoemaker Executors of this my will and so hereby give and bequeath to the said John Constable the legacy or sum of two Guineas for his trouble in carrying the same into Execution and hereby revoking all former will and wills by me made do declare this to be and contain my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said Testatrix Hannah Williams have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of September one thousand eight hundred and forty one. The mark X of Hannah Williams Signed published and declared by the above named Testatrix Hannah Williams as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence in the presence of each other and at her request have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto the name Pelham having been first inserted between the thirty second and thirty third lines from the top of the foregoing page of this will in lieu of the name "Hewetson" previously inserted in the thirty third line of the said page and the whole of the said will having been in our presence was over to the said Testatrix Hannah Williams who appeared perfectly to understand the same and declared that she did perfectly understand and approve thereof. Will.m Walker Solicitor Kingston Surrey - Wm.A Tucker Clerk to Walker & Demainbray Solicitors Kingston. Proved at London 5th February 1842 before the worshipful William Calvelley Curteis Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of John Robinson the Brother and John Constable the Executors to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.