I James Strugnell of the Castle Inn Thornton Heath Croydon being of sound mind but extremely ill do make this my last Wil and Testament In the first place I desire all my just debts & funeral expences may be paid I desire that all my Freehold Estate at Thornton Heath may be sold within Four months after my death by my Executors as well as all the Stock in Trade and Household Furniture The money produced by the Sale to be immediately invested in Government New four Per Cents in addition to the sum of Eight hundred pounds now standing in my name I desire that my Wife Maria Theresa may during her life receive the interest of Three hundred pounds in the New four Pr Cents and I give to my Son James One thousand pounds in the New four Pr Cents the interest to be received by my wife for his maintenance and education till he attains the Age of twenty one Years I give and bequeath to my dear Wife my two Copyhold Houses at Wadden for her own sole & separate use I desire that my Wife may receive the Rents and Profits of my Four Leasehold Houses at Brixton now in the occupation of Cooper Williams Balls and Bennett during her life time which must be for the support of my children during their minority I give & bequeath to my brother William Ten pounds The residue of my property I desire to be equally divided among my remaining six children the interest to be received till they respectively attain the Age of twenty one Years by my Wife for their Maintenance and Education when they attain the Age of twenty one his or her proportion shall be transferred to them for their own use The property that I have given to my dear Wife during her lifetime I desire may be at her death equally divided between the children and their issue share and share alike my Son James to be included in this division In the event of my Wife getting married again before my youngest child attains the Age of twenty one Years she is to forfeit all claim to any of the property before named except the Estate at Waddon I constitute and appoint Mr William Crafter of Stamford Street Blackfriars and Mr John Waller of Croydon Common Executors to this my last Will and Testament and request each of them will accept Ten Guineas as a token of my respect James Strugnell (Attestation Clause) 22 November 1829 Wm Newton _ John Farley _ James Tunstall Proved at London 23 December 1829 PCC Prob11/1764