In the Name of God Amen I Henry Trippett the Elder of Richmond in the County of Surry considering the frailtie and uncertainty of this transitory life And being of perfect memory and understanding doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First and principally I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping to be saved through the meritts and intercession of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer And my body I committ to the Earth from whence it came to be buryed at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named And as to all such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon I give devise and bequeath the same in such manner as is hereinafter mentioned That is to say Whereas I have according to my ability already provided for my two sons Henry Trippett and Thomas Trippett having been at great charges and expences in placing them out Apprentices and upon other accompts but have not made any provision for my daughter Elizabeth Trippett who hath spent her time in my service and constantly lived with me and been my great support, I doe give and bequeath to my said son Henry Trippett and his Wife and to each of their children the Sume of Twelve pence apiece Item I doe give and bequeath to my said son Thomas Trippett and his Wife and to each of their children the like Sume of twelve pence apiece Item I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my goods chattells Rights credits debts and Personall Estate whatsoever and wheresoever which at the time of my death I shall be in any ways possessed of interested in or intitled unto (from and after payment of my debts and funeral expences) unto my said daughter Elizabeth Trippett whom I doe hreby make and appoint my sole Executrix And I doe hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by me made and doe confirm and establish this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Henry Trippett have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this sixteenth day of August in the ninth Year of the Reign of our Soveraigne Lord King William the third over England etc. Annoq DM 1697 _ Henri Trippett _ Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Henry Trippett to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of _ Edw: Hildeyard Leon: Addison Proved at London 8 March 1713/14 PCC Prob11/539