? Richard Loveland whose death was presented at a General Court Baron held in and for this manor on the thirteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy three duly made his Will bearing date the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight the original whereof is now produced and read in Open Court and which contains the following devise ?I give and bequeath in trust All that copyhold estate which belong to me situate at Bisley in the County of Surrey aforesaid that is to say a house and meadow and arable now in my own occupation to my dear wife Elizabeth Loveland for her life for my Executors hereinafter named to pay or cause to be paid after keeping the same in tenaable repare all rents and profits arising from my estate into her own hands for her own use and after my wife decease I give and bequeath the same Estate in trust to my eldest son Richard Loveland for his life for my Executors to pay or cause to be paid after keeping the same in tenaable repare all rents and profits arising from the same estate into his own hands for his own use and after my son Richard Loveland decease I empower my Executors to sell the aforesaid Estate the best way they think proper either private or by public auction and after paying all expenses attending such sale or sales other demands on my estate to divide the residue in five parts to five of my other children or their heirs and assigns as shall then and there be living that is to say one part to my son Solomon Loveland one part to my son Thomas Loveland one part to my daughter Elizabeth Beauchamp one part to my son Henry Loveland and one part to my son John Loveland and if my son Richard Loveland die before my wife the said Elizabeth Loveland then my Executors at the time of her decease are to sell and divide the same estate as before named?