I give devise and bequeath all my messuages lands Tenements hereditaments and premises and all my stock in Trade monies securities debts chattels and effects and generally all my real and personal Estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of which I may die seized and possessed unto and to the use of my Wife Ann Searl Henry Searle of the parish of Chobham in the County of Surrey and George Dean of the said parish of Chobham Farmer their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively according to the true nature of the said Estates respectively Upon Trust at their discretion either to carry on or to permit my said Wife Ann Searle during the term of her natural life or so long as she shall continue my Widow unmarried to carry on my business of a Farmer at Bisley aforesaid and in the way I now carry on the same and to employ for that purpose such part of my real and personal Estate as shall constitute the Capital employed therein at my decease with any additional Capital which my said Trustees shall think requisite and subject to the trusts aforesaid and from and immediately after the decease or marrying again of my said Wife which shall first happen I declare that the Trustees and Trustee for the time being of this my Will shall stand and be seized and possessed of all my real and personal Estate Upon Trust to convey and assign the same unto my son James Rempnant Searle his heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively to and for his and their own absolute use and benefit