In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will and Testament of me John Robinson of the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Shoemaker I give and bequeath unto All my dear children as hereunder named To my Son Charles Robinson my daughter Sarah Anne Robinson Spinster my daughter Elizabeth Robinson Spinster my daughter Mary who is now married to Mr. James Hill Farmer living in Bailey Mow lane in the parish of Bisley and to my daughter Eliza Palmer who is also married to Mr. Robert Henry Howard living at Richmond in the County of Surrey Milkman Now it is my Will and wish that all my aforesaid children shall share and share alike that is in equal parts and I further wish as my last will that my Executors hereinafter named shall see this my Will carried out so that one and all my children may have equal parts as their share of the several properties hereinafter named that is to say I have two freehold Cottages with gardens and situated at Bagshot in the parish of Windlesham in the County of Surrey one in the occupation of Mr Clarke and the other in the occupation of Mr Taylor as tenants at Will I have also a freehold house and garden and Sheds situate at Miles Green in the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey now in the occupation of Mr Warren as Tenant at Will and I have also two Copyhold houses situated in Bisley Green in the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey one being in the occupation of Henry Edwards and the other in the occupation of Mr Sawyer both tenants at Will I have also a Copyhold Estate situate in Chatten row consisting of three houses with yards Sheds Stables and piggeries with garden and orchard attached thereto one house being in my own occupation one being also in the occupation of my Son Charles Robinson and the other one in the occupation of Mr George Hill as Tenants at Will (I give the whole of the Bees I die possessed to my Granddaughter) I have also live and dead Stock which together with whatever Bees I die possessed and household furniture plate linen and money in the House at the time of my death Now it is my Will and wish that after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid that whatever may be left shall be equally divided by sale or division one paying the other out by purchasing any Estate as they may agree so that one and all may be satisfied with their lot It is also my Will that my several daughters shall have their share to themselves their Husbands if married having no claim or title thereto whatsoever neither shall their property so left by me be subject to the debts of such husband or husbands And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my Son Charles Robinson and my daughter Sarah Ann Executor and Executrix to this my last Will and Testament written of four sheets of paper and I do publish and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament to the first second third and fourth sheets of paper I put my hand and the fourth and last my hand and seal this sixteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty.