In the Name of God Amen Sepr 14th 1813 I Christina Twort of the Parish of Lambeth make this my last Will and Testament that is to say I wish to be Buried decently and all my Debts and Funeral Expences to be Paid I then give to the Reverend John Bringhurst?s wife my dear Father?s Picture and to Mr George Dorset my Silver Watch I then give to Miss Ann Bringhurst and they two Miss Dorset all my Plate to be divided between them and my Blue Sattin Quilt to Mrs Bringhurst I then give to my friend and Landlord all my Furniture as it is now in his house for his own life there to be delivered to Miss Louisa Maria White daughter to Mr James White of No 1 Lincolns Inn I then give all my Cloaths & Linen to Miss White but wish her to give a part to the Servant who shall be living with me I give the above Miss White my Small Watch my Ear rings Necklaces & all my Trinkets small Boxes etc. etc. I wish to present Edmund Dayrell Esquire with a Ring value Two Guineas Christina Twort Witness Joseph Blanchard Black Fryars Road My Landlord?s name which I have omitted is Mr Bennett Woodrow No 8 Walsingham Place Lambeth Revd John Bringhurst Peterborough where Mr Dorset may be heard of Edmund Dayrell Esquire No 10 Old Square Lincolns Inn Mr White No 4 Lincolns Inn Old Square 22 July 1816 Administration with Will annexed of the Goods of Christina Twort Widow deceased to Catherine Ann Dorset Widow the Grandmother and Curatrix or Guardian assigned to Henry Charles Fraser Robert Fraser Frederick John Fraser George Lionel Fraser & Mary Elizabeth Fraser Minors & also to Francis Michael Fraser an Infant the only next of Kin and only persons entitled in distribution to the residue of the Personal Estate & Effects undisposed of by the Will PCC Prob11/1582