This is the last Will & Testament of me Elizabeth Tilley of Dorking I direct that all my just debts & funeral & testamentary expences be paid as soon as convenient after my decease by my Executors hereinafter named I give & bequeath all my household furniture linen & wearing apparel plate pictures & china & all money found in my house or about my person or due to me at the time of my decease & all my fund stock & securities for money unto my daughter Susan Younger Tilley to and for her own use absolutely with the exception of œ1500 which at the decease of the said Susan Younger Tilley (the interest thereof being enjoyed by her during her life)shall go to my son John Tilley his heirs or executors & I appoint my son John Tilley & my daughter Susan Younger Tilley to be the Executors of this my last Will & Testament revoking all former Wills made by me I declare this to be my last Will & Testament In witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Tilley have to this my last Will & Testament set my hand the 5th of August in the Yr of our Lord 1850 _ Elizabeth Tilley (Attestation Clause) J H Newman Rose Hill Dorking _ Harriet Avis Newman Dorking Proved at London 5 June 1857 PCC Prob11/2254