In the Name of God Amen The Fifteenth day of December One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty four I James Toft the Elder of Godalming in the County of Surry Frame work knitter do make my last Will and Testament as follows First I commend my Soul to God through my Saviour Jesus Christ I give to my son James Toft my dwelling house and all Appurtenances and to his heirs for ever I give him the Pump and Clock and my Brewing Utensils and my Wearing Apparel and my Seat Room wherein I sit in Godalming Church as likewise my Watch and my Piece of Gold of three pounds and twelve shillings I give my Son James Toft one Stocking frame which he shall choose I give one Stocking frame to my Daughter Mary Fleet as the next Choice I give one Stocking frame to my Daughter Jane Tice as the next Choice I give one Stocking frame to my Daughter Sarah Rose one Stocking frame as the next Choice my son James Toft to take out one more my Daughter Jane Tice one more my Daughter Sarah Rose one more my Seats in the singing Gallery I give to my Daughter Sarah Rose I give to my Daughter Jane Tice one other Seat in the body of Godalming Church I give to my Granddaughter Charlotte Roker twenty pounds to be paid her immediately after my decease out of the share of Money that will fall to the share of her Mother Jane Tice I likewise appoint my Daughters Mary Fleet and Jane Tice and Sarah Rose Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written The Mark of James Toft (Attestation Clause) Abraham Toft _ Mary Toft _ Stephen Lees Proved at London 2 March 1765 PCC Prob11/907