This is the last Will & Testament of me Hannah Collyer of Bisley in the County of Surrey Widow Whereby I will give and devise unto my Son William Collyer and to his heirs and assigns for ever all that my Copyhold Messuage Tenement or Cottage with the with the Buildings Yard Garden Land hereditaments and premises to the same belonging situate and being in the Manor of Bisley for his own sole use and Benefit (Excepting five pounds only) which I desire may be given to my eldest Son James Collyer at the expiration of twelve months after my decease I also appoint him my said Son William Collyer sole Executor of this my Will In witness whereof I the said Hannah Collyer (the Testatrix) have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirteen. The Mark & Seal of Hannah Collyer ? Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Hannah Collyer the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament the day of the date in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunder subscribed our names as Witnesses Wm Hall Nurseryman Woking ~ James Searle Farmer X Farmer Bisley Surrey