Sarah the Wife of William Steer formerly the Wife of Richard Daborn ? her last Will and Testament in writing (now produced and read in open Court) bearing date the sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and twelve Whereby she did give devise direct limit and appoint All that her Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Lands hereditaments and premises situate lying and being in the parish and holden of the Manor of Bisley in the said County of Surrey (and which she had duly surrendered to the use of her Will) unto and to the use of her Husband William Steer and his assigns for his life And after his decease she gave devised directed limited and appointed the same unto her daughter Elizabeth the Wife of William Woods her heirs and assigns for ever And in case her said Daughter Elizabeth Woods should happen to die before she should become entitled to the possession of her said Copyhold premises under and by virtue of her Will leaving Issue of her Body lawfully begotten Then and in such Case she directed that John Fry (therein named) should sell the same premises and place the monies arising by such Sale upon Government or other good and sufficient Security in his own name and in such manner as he should think proper Upon the Trusts therein mentioned?