In the Name of God Amen I George Woods of Horsell in the County of Surry Weaver being in good Health and of sound & perfect mind memory & understanding Do make publish & declare this to be my last Will & Testament in manner following (that is to say) Impris I Give and Bequeath to Richard William Margarett Mary & Daniell Walden Children of my Niece Margarett late Wife of Richard Walden Tenn shillings a piece of lawfull money of great Brittain Item I Give and Bequeath to John Woods the younger Margarett the wife of William Hyde and to Frances the wife of James Street Children of my Nephew John Woods of Horsell aforesaid Weaver Fifty shillings a piece of like lawfull money Item I Give & Bequeath to the Children of the said Margaret Hyde and to the Children of the said Frances Street Twenty shillings a piece of like lawfull money All which Legacies I direct to be paid within Three months after my Death Item all the residue of mony Goods Chattles and personall estate whatsoever after my Debts & Legacies are paid and Funeral Expences Discharged I Give and bequeath to my said Nephew John Woods the Elder whom I do hereby Nominate Constitute Ordayne & Appoint to be Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Wittness whereof I the said George Woods have to this my last Will and Testam.t Sett my hand & Seal the Tenth Day of Aprill in the Ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George of great Brittain &c Anno Dmi 1723 the marke of X George Woods Signed Sealed Published & Declared by the said George Woods for & as his last Will & Testament in the Pre.nce of us who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses in the Pre.nce of the said Testator Richard Finch Richard Finch jun Hen Lawley Probatum fuit hroi Testum Primo di Mensis July anno dmi 1726 Corain Rende Vizo Georgio Stephens Clico Surro &c Justo Johis Woods Executor lui &c de bene &c jurat.