In the Name of God Amen I John Tegg of the Parish of Cheam being weak and sickly in body but of sound and disposing Mind Memory and understanding God be praised do by divine permission make publish and declare these presents to be and contain my last will and Testament in manner and Form following First and Principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I commit to the Dust from whence it was taken to be decently interred at the discretion of my hereafter named and touching the disposal of such temporal Estate as the Lord hath been Graciously pleased to bestow upon me I order give devise and bequeath the same in manner following (that is to say) First I order and direct that all my just debts and Funeral expences be paid and discharged by my herein after named with all convenient speed after my decease and after payment thereof I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Jane Tegg the sum of five hundred pounds to be paid to her by my Executors hereinafter named to and for her sole use and benefit and at her own disposal within three months next after my decease also I give unto my said wife the use only of all my household goods and Furniture for and during the term of her natural life Also I give and bequeath unto my said wife all the Rents and Profits of my Messuages or Tenements Lands and Premises which I shall be seized or possessed situate lying and being in Cheam aforesaid or elsewhere for and during the term of her natural life except the Messuage or Tenement now in the occupation of Thomas Watts which I hereby give to Susanna Watson of Sutton for her natural life and afterwards to her son James Watson and his heirs for ever and from and immediately after my said wife?s decease I Give and bequeath the three Tenements situate in Cheam aforesaid unto the Eldest Son of Nicholas Tanner of Moulsey in Surrey Item I Give to Edward Tegg of Carshalton and his Sister ten pounds each at the decease of my said Wife Item I Give to Elizabeth Cook Wife of Richard Cook the Elder the sum of twenty pounds at my wife?s decease and to her three Children ten pound each Item I Give to Ann Wells wife of Allen Wells of Cheam aforesaid ten pound and all the rest residue and remainder of my Goods and chattels household Furniture and all other my estate and Effects whatsoever I Give and bequeath to be equally divided between the Children of Elizabeth Cook Wife of Richard Cook aforesaid and I hereby make name constitute and appoint the said Richard Cook and my Wife Jane Tegg to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Tegg the Testator have set my hand and Seal this Fifth day of June in the Year of our Lord 1789 (Attestation Clause) Robert Logan _ Richard Waghorn _ Lawrence Bagley Proved at London 25 June 1789 PCC Prob11/1180