In the name of god Ame the xxiiith daye of the monthe of Jannuari the yere of ye Lord god 1573 I John Woodruff of the pishe of Bisley in the Countey of Sry being Sicke in bodye But hole in mynd and of a good and pfyt Rememberances laude & prayse be to all myghtye God I no ordayne make and declare this my psent Testament concernyng here in my very last Wyll in maner and forme folowyng that is to saye First and principally I Comend my Sole to all myghty god my maker and Redemer and my bodye to be buryed in the pishe church yard of Bisley aforsaid Ite I give and bequeathe to the poore mones box of the same pishe xxiid Ite I give & bequeath to my daughter Annye xls payd by my executors here undernamed at the daye of her mariag Ite I give & bequeathe to Harey Woodruff my Sonne xls payd by my executors here under named in twelve months after my desease Ite I give & bequeath to Elizabethe my daughter xxvis viiid payd by my exectutor 3 months after my dissease Ite I give & bequeath to Grace my daughter xxvis viiid payd by my exectutor wt in to yeres after my dissease Ite I give & bequeathe to Wyllyn my sonne a brown Cow wt a wytt pig or sow hoge ye best save ?? unto hym immediatly after my disseace & two platters of pewter of the secund sortt Ite I give & bequeath to my daughter Richard Simmons Wyffe a blacke ewe & a blacke Rame lame The Rest of my goods and cattell movabell & immovabel not herein of me Wylled and bequeathed I give and bequeath to Rose my Wyffe and Then my Sons Whome I ??? ordayne and make my Full and hole executors and they to se my bodye onestly buried and to paye me dette and to Call for myne Ite I ordayne and make John Cobett and Robert Cobett the overseers of this my psent testament to the extent they wyll se it the better pformed and they to have for their paynes taking here in xxis apece These beinge Wytnes Richard Cobwall John Cobett Robart Cobet Richard ??dford with other mo. Probatm fuit ? xxvii die Martii Ao dm 1574 ..