The original will has been damaged and several portions are missing. ? brasse ? mye Xecutor ? Candlestick one dripingpane and the greate Chaire and w[---]oade axe and the bigger spitte and the cubbord table and fourine now in the hale after my wives decease I allso give to Richard Lee my Sonne two bushels of Rye and two bushels of wheate I give to Richard Lee my Sonne Fowerscore and tenn polardes to bee paid by my [--]cutor within one whole Yeare after my decease Item I make Agnis Lee my wife my whole executor of all my goods ungiven with in doore and without lastly I Appointe Richard Lee my Sonne out of this my guift to pay eache the charges of my burials mortuary and will proving whatsoever it cometh to I Appoint Richard Lee of Loomepits and Henry Colyer of Goldwood my overseeres and they shall have for their paines five shilling apeice. William Lee Thomas Marten} Henry Cobbet } witnesses Probatum fuit? vicessimo septimo die mensis Novem 1638 Agnes Lee Widow of William Lee above decd was sworne this 27th of November by me William Haye Rector of St Maryes in Guildeford