In the Name of God Amen I John Vanner of Wrecclesham in the County of Surry Yeoman being of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding (praised be God for the same) do publish and declare these presents to be and contain my last Will and Testament Principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator and my Body I do commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of Executor hereinafter appointed and as touching such Temporal Estate as I am blessed withal I Give and disclose thereof as follows (that is to say) all that my Close of Land called Manly Reed with a Cottage thereon erected in the Tithing of Wrecclesham and also one Close of Purpesture Land containing by estimation One Acre lying at Manly Bridge in the Tithing of Wrecclesham abutting as appears in the Fine of John Buckle deceased made at the Turn of Hook in the Twentieth year of King James the First and also One Parcel of Land in the South Chase by Estimation One Acre lying on the South Part of Land of Simon Marner with a Cottage thereon erected the said Premises being Copyhold of Inheritance Parcel of the Manor of Farnham in the said County of Surry and duly surrendered to the Use if this my Will and also all that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement with the Orchard Garden or Backside thereunto belonging and adjoining with the Appurts situate lying and Being in Wrecclesham aforesaid formerly in the Possession of Ann Lachford and late of Charles Jones I Give and Devise unto my Daughter Sarah the Wife of Stephen Davies and to her Heirs and Assigns for ever Also I Give and Bequeath unto my said Daughter Sarah Davies the Sum of Twenty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain Also I Give and Bequeath unto Amy Vanner Widow of my late Son John Vanner the Sum of Ten pounds of like Money Also I Give and Bequeath unto Sarah Vanner daughter of my Son Edmund Vanner the sum of One hundred pounds of like Money Also I Give and Bequeath unto Hannah Davies daughter of the said Sarah Davies the sum of One hundred pounds of like Money Also I Give and Bequeath unto Ann the Wife of the said Edmund Vanner the Sum of Ten pounds of like Money Also I Give and Bequeath unto Ann Vanner another Daughter of the said Edmund Vanner the Sum of Twenty Pounds of like Money Also I Give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth Vanner another Daughter of the said Edmund Vanner the Sum of Twenty Pounds of like Money Also I Give and Bequeath unto Hannah Vanner another Daughter of the said Edmund Vanner the Sum of Twenty Pounds of like Money All which several Legacys I direct to be payable and paid by my Executor within Twelve months next after my decease And all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Estate both Real and Personal Goods Chattles and Effects whatsoever (after Payment of my just Debts Legacys and Funeral Expences) I Give Devise and Bequeath unto the said Edmund Vanner his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever And I Constitute and appoint the said Edmund Vanner sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty first Day of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and sixty four John Vanner (Attestation Clause) Willm Shotter _ Thos Russon _ John Carr Proved at London 27 October 1767 PCC Prob11/933