In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Shudd of Haslemere in the County of Surry Spinster being Sick in Body but of Sound and Perfect Mind and Memory (God be Praised therefore) revokeing all former Wills by me made do hereby make and Declare this to be my last Will and Testamt in manner and form following And first being heartily sorry for my Sins past and humbly begging Forgiveness of God for the same I humbly commend my Soul to Almighty God hopeing to be saved by and thro? the Merits death and Passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in Christian Burial in such manner as shall seem to my Sister Jane Combes to be most meet And as to my temporal Estate with which it hath pleased God to bless me I do order give and Dispose thereof as followeth Impris I give and bequeath unto my Sister Mary Leggatt Thirty Pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executor within Six Months next after my decease and that her Discharge Separate and apart from her Husband shall be to my Executor a Sufficient Discharge Item I give and bequeath unto my Cozen John Leggatt Ten Pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain Item I give unto my Kinswomen Anne Shudd and Mary Shudd Ten Pounds a peice of lawfull Money of Great Britain Item I give and bequeath unto my Kinswoman Mary Sadler and unto her Daughter Anne Sadler Ten Pounds a peice of lawfull Money of Great Britain All which Several Legacies above mentioned I Will to be paid to the Several Legatees by my Executor within Six Months next after my decease And I will that the three several Sumes of Ten Pounds above mentioned and bequeathed to my Kinswomen Ann Shudd Mary Shudd and Ann Sadler to be laid out on Plate and my Name Engraved thereon Item I give to the Poor of Haslemere Tenn Pounds twenty Shillings of which Sume I will to be paid to Mary Oliver and the remainder to the other Poor in such manner as my Sister Jane Combes shall think proper within one Month next after my Decease Item I give and bequeath unto my said Sister Jane Combes all my Wearing Apparel Household Goods and Linnen whatsoever Item after my Just Debts and Legacys are Discharged I give unto my said Sister Jane Combes the use of all the rest of my Moneys to be paid her yearly by my Executor and that her receipt seperate and apart from her Husband shall from time to time to my Executor as sufficient Discharge And in case She shall dye in the life time of John Combes her now Husband then I will the said Monies shall be paid and equally between the said John Combes my Brother John Shudd my Sister Mary Legatt and my Kinswoman Mary Sadler their Executors and Admors within Six Months next after the Decease after the Decease of my said Sister Jane Combes But in Case my said Sister Jane Combes shall happen to Survive the said John Combes then I give the said Moneys to my said Sister Jane Combes to be paid unto her by my Executor within Six Months next after the Decease of the said John Combes And lastly I make my said Brother John Shudd Executor in Trust of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Seaventh day of February Anno Dm 1725 Elizabeth Shudd her Mark (Attestation Clause) Abraham Upfold _ Jeremiah Cox _ Mary Wagger her Mark Proved at London 3 October 1726 PCC Prob11/611