George Gosden ... in and by his last Will and Testament bearing date the seventh day of December One thousand seven hundred and ninety two did give and devise unto Hannah his Wife All that his copyhold Estate Messuage Lands and Premises situate lying and being in the Parish and Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey for the term of her natural life And his desire was that his Seven younger Children should be made equal as near as possible and as the Eldest of them to wait till the youngest should be of full age before they have anything would be hard for which reason he gave his said Wife Hannah a discretionary power if in case any of his said seven youngest Children should be likely to get into business for their good to sell and dispose of all that his aforesaid copyhold Estate in Bisley aforesaid to the best purchase as she can procure for the same in as perfect a manner as he could himself had he been living and as to the money arising by such Sale to divide among such of his Children as should be grown up and in want so as not to exceed what should be their equal Share at last in the whole as in and by the probate ...