I James Rondeau of North Street Lambeth in the County of Surrey Gentleman declare this present Writing to be and contain my and last Will and Testament (that is to say) I direct my body to be wrapt in coarse Woollen only and the Coffin to be filled with unslacked Lime and to be interred in the Chapel of the Tower of London (if so permitted) by the Remains of my late Wife Margaretta and that my Funeral be conducted in the most plain and simple manner and that Mr Page of London be employed as the undertaker after payment of my just debts funeral and Testamentary charges I give devise and bequeath all such Real and Copyhold hereditaments and Premises and also such Leasehold estates for terms of years or upon lives unto my younger Brother William Rondeau now residing with me at North Street aforesaid his heirs executors administrators and assigns for his and their own use and benefit according to the several and respective tenures thereof And as to all other my Personal Property and effects of whatever description the same may be or consist of (except as aforesaid the absolute bequest to my said Brother) I give and bequeath the same to my said Brother for and during the term of his natural life Subject as to one moiety thereof to be by him given and bequeathed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as my said Brother shall by his last Will and Testament or by any Writing under his hand direct and appoint or otherwise dispose of And as to the remaining moiety I give and bequeath the same from and immediately after the decease of my said Brother unto my adopted daughter Elizabeth Ravenscroft of North Street aforesaid (the Wife of Thomas Ravenscroft) to and for her own sole use and benefit and at her sole disposal not subject or liable to the debts power or control of her present or any future husband And I hereby appoint my said Brother sole Executor of this my Will revoking all and every other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declaring this and this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three _ Jas Rondeau (Attestation Clause) John Sanderson Grove St Walworth _ Sarah Elizabeth Sanderson the same Place _ Willm Weatherston 3 Crown Square Boro? Proved at London 4 June 1836 PCC Prob11/1863