This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Tickner of Shellwood Cottage in the Parish of Leigh in the County of Surrey Gentleman I give and devise unto my dear and only daughter Frances Mary the wife of George Ballard of Shellwood Cottage in Leigh aforesaid All my Estate and Effects whatever nature or kindsoever expectant or otherwise for her own absolute use and benefit And it is my will and meaning that her present or any future husband shall have no claim whatever to the money or any part thereof arising from the said estate or effects and neither shall the same be liable to any act or acts or be taken in liquidation of any debt or debts of her present or any future husband as aforesaid but which money I direct to be disposable only by her act In witness whereof I the said Thomas Tickner have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty five _ The Mark of X Thomas Tickner (Attestation Clause) George Watson _ Abbigill Vicks 28 June 1855 Administration with Will annexed to Frances Mary Ballard no executor being named in the Will PCC Prob11/2217