In the name of god amen the Twealthe day of July 1570 I Margaret Thetcher Widowe beinge sycke in bodie butt of good and Perfect memorie doo make this my last Will & Testament in Forme Followinge Firste I bequeathe my soule to allmightie god and my bodye to the ground Item I geve to the poore mans boxe xijd Item I gyve to Marta my Daughter the cowe wth the brokerne horne & the Donne Bullock foure shepe my best bedd with all the Furnitture and another payre of canvas shets all my appall bothe Wollin & linnyn savinge for too old peticots where of Canyone Kitsan I Wyll to have one and Styrts Daughter to have other & xijd in money Item I gyve to lytle John Thetcher xijd & lambe Item I gyve more to Marter my daughter too kettles & a lytle Cauldren halfe a Dosyn pewter dyshes ij candle stycks and a salt sellar iij elnes of canvss & iij painted clothes Item I gyve to Margarett my daughter ij bushels of Rye Item to Emme Porter my daughter iij bushels of Rye for too bushels that I owe her Item I gyve to Robert my sonne a cowe Item to Raphe Hewett a Redd cowe called Lelloslovore Item I gyve more to my daughter Marter and Raphe Hewett an acre of Rye and a acre of oats more to Ralphe Hewett a rede garded sowe Item more to the said Raphe & Marter my daughter my peasone in the crofte by the churche and halfe the provisione of vitell in the house to helpe in her harveste Item more to Marter xxs of my above monye & to Raphe Hewett xs Item I wyll Marter to have her xxs at the monthes ende next after my deathe Item to Marter a cowe & too of the best chouts & to have them deliveryd at Michaelmas next Itim I gyve more to Mauld my daughter ij petycote clothes Itm my Wyll ys that Mauld my daughter shall have the Twentye shillings Wh I have gyven her on this my last Wyll at the ende of the monthe next after my death Item more to Marter my best chest & to Raphe Hewett the best next to it Item more to my Daughter Maulde My wollen & linnen wheles & a paire of ?ardes Itm I gyve more to Marter my daughter a loade of my haye in the barne to kepe her twoo beaste with all if Robte Thetcher my sonne will nott se them well wyntered & kept till the next monye daye Followyng And Marter to have the proffyett of hi?come by hire of other wayes Item I Do confesse that I doo owe to Canyon Kitsan iiij nobles wch my will ys that Robte Thetcher my sonne shall paye out of my Goods Itm my Wyll ys that Goodmanne Byndmite shall have his bargaine of my wood afore any other Item I do confesse it I do owe my son John Thatcher viijs & my daughter Margaret vs & to John Hone iijs viijd also I gyve to Margaret my daughter too bushels of Rye The rest of my goods not bequeathed I gyve to Robart my sonne whom I make my executor so that he se all Debts & Dutyes payd & Dischardged as well to the churche as other ??ayes And I do ordayne and appoynt John Shorter & Wilm. Gyles to be my overseers and to have for ther ????? to se this my wyll fulfilled xiid a pece bering wytnes to this my last Wyll John Hill pson of Bisley John Shorter Wilm Gyles Raphe Hewett In ???e?so?? of the Goodes & cattell of Margaret Thetcher wydow deceassed presed the pe??ts of ????? by John Goring John Cobbet & Wilm Gyles First in herr purse at her death @ vs xijd Itm a chere & a stole @ iiijd Item a Caulldron & a Table @ xijd Itm in ???es vessels a stubbes bo??s dishes @ xxd Itm a hanger & a tayste @ viijd Itm in Brasse @ vs Itm ij candle stycke & vii pewter platters @ iijs viijd Itm too chests @ ijs Itm an old fether bead Wh all its Furniture vjs viijd Itm an ??att??ds bead @ xiid Itm an old payre shets & ij table clothes @ xxd Itm ???? wearing apparell as Wolln & Linnyn vijs Itm too wheles & a payre of ???rdes @ xd Itm iij kyne & a Bullock @ xls Item an mare @ xvs Item iiij shepe price @ iiijs Itm an s???yne F?esse @ ixs Itm p??ster? @ xxd Itm too acres of Rye @ xxs Itm too acres of oats @ xs Itm pease in the Feyld @ vs Itm an haye @ xiijs iijd Item ther ys of the Margaret Thetchers goods & vaprese? ??? thowsand & fyve hundred of faggett wood