In the Name of God Amen I William Wild late of Petworth in the County of Sussex but now of Ripley in the County of Surrey Gentleman being of sound mind memory and understanding do make and publish my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) after recommending my Soul unto Almighty God my most merciful Creator and my Body to the Earth I dispose of my worldly Estate as follows namely I give to my Sister Ann the Wife of William Halliday of Ripley aforesaid absolutely and at her own disposal one moiety or half part of my stock of Wine and also all my wearing apparel of every description Also I give to her my said sister during her natural life the free use of the two large Silver Gravy Spoons Plates Coffee Pot Telescope set of Counters Snuff Box Ring and Cribbage Board which belonged to my late brother John also of my eight Mahogany Chairs two Mahogany Card tables my set of Mahogany Dining tables Dumb Waiter the Chest of Drawers in my Bed room with the Book case on it and one Bed also my tea Caddy a pair of Decanters Wine Cooler one half of my books and my Portrait painted by Darby with all the Pictures and my Pier Glass late in my house at Petworth And from and after her decease I give all the last mentioned articles unto her three Children Buckle Jane and Ann to be divided amongst them share and share alike as nearly as may be Also I give to my said Sister?s Daughter Jane my cruet Stand and to my said Sister?s Daughter Ann my twelve Silver Tea spoons Also I give to my said Sister? Son Buckle my Escritoire and my Watch And all the rest residue and remainder of my household goods and furniture implements utensils plate linen china glass pictures books and wine (including all the articles of the like and any other description which belonged to and were left by my late Wife in my possession) unto John Orsborn Greenfield and James Greenfield both of Petworth the two Grandsons of my late Wife equally to be divided between them share and share alike and I have included in this bequest everything that belonged to my said late Wife as aforesaid in consequence of her own wish and desire to that effect and declare that I have already pursuant to her wish and desire also paid the money she was possessed or what she claimed was belonging to her at the time of her decease to her Son John Orsborn late of Guiltenhurst arm (now deceased) And all the rest residue and remainder of my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever I give and bequeath unto the said John Orsborn Greenfield and my friend Thomas Manfield Halliday of Petworth aforesaid Mercer their executors and admors Upon the following trusts that is to say Upon trust to collect and convert the whole thereof into money as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and thereout in the first place to pay all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences and thereout afterwards to pay the following legacies namely to my said Sister Ann the Wife of the said William Halliday the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings for her own sole and separate use independent of and without being subject to the debts engagements and controul of her said husband and for which her receipt alone notwithstanding her coverture shall be a full and effectual discharge to my Executors Also to the said William Halliday the husband of my said sister Ann the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and to their three children Buckle Jane and Ann the like sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings a piece And to the said John Orsborn Greenfield and his brother James Greenfield the like sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings a piece Also to each of the seven children of the late John Orsborn deceased the sum of five pounds Also to my old Servant William Pullin and the Maid Servant who shall be living with me at the time of my decease the sum of five pounds And to Henry Sheppard the surviving son of William Sheppard late of London Brewer and Nephew of the late Wife of my late Brother John the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings And I direct all the said last mentioned legacies to be paid within twelve Calendar months next after my decease And I hereby give and devise All that my freehold messuage or tenement malthouse Granary Buildings Garden hereditaments and premises situate in Petworth aforesaid adjoining to the Angel Inn late in my own occupation and now in the occupation of Messrs Elliott & Green with all and singular the appurtenances thereof unto the said John Orsborn Greenfield and Thomas Manfield Halliday and their heirs Upon trust to pay the clear rents issues and profits thereof and also the interest dividends and annual proceeds of the residue of my Personal Estate and Effects unto my said Sister Ann the Wife of the said William Halliday for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use independent of and without being subject to the debts engagements and controul of her said husband and for which her receipt alone shall be from time to time be a full and effectual discharge to them my said trustees notwithstanding her coverture And from and after her decease Upon trust as soon as conveniently may be to sell and dispose of either by Public Auction or Private Contract at their discretion my said messuage or tenement malthouse granary buildings garden hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances for the most money and best price that can reasonably be obtained for the same and to convey the same to the purchaser or purchasers thereof upon payment of his her or their purchase money And as to the clear money arising upon such sale Upon trust to divide the same together with all the residue and remainder of my Personal Estate and Effects equally to and amongst my said nephew and nieces the children of my said Sister Ann namely Buckle Jane and Ann share and share alike to whom I give and bequeath the same accordingly for their respective use and benefit And I hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of the said John Orsborn Greenfield and Thomas Manfield Halliday or the survivor of them or of the heirs of such survivor shall from time to time be a sufficient and effectual discharge to the person or persons who shall purchase my said messuage mathouse hereditaments and premises for his her or their purchase money and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not afterwards be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of such purchase money so expressed to be thereby received or any part thereof or be liable to see to the application of the same I hereby nominate and appoint the said John Orsborn Greenfield and Thomas Manfield Halliday Executors in trust of this my Will and do direct and declare that my said Executors shall not be accountable the one of them for the other of them but each for his own acts only nor for any loss which shall or may happen to my estate and effects not occasioned by their or either of their wilful act or neglect accordingly And that it may and shall be lawful to and for them and each of them to retain to and reimburse themselves and himself respectively all and every sum and sums of money which they or either of them shall or may expend disburse or lay out in or about the execution of this my Will and reasonably for their time and trouble In Witness whereof I the said William Wild the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one (Attestation Clause) Jas Symonds Ripley Surrey _ Thomas Whitburn Ripley Surrey _ Anna Maria Whitburn Ripley Surrey Proved at London 30 May 1837 PCC Prob11/1879