In the name of god amen, the xxiiijth Day of the monthe of maye In the yere of our lorde god a Thousand fyve hundred and three score, and In the second yere of the reigne of our soverigne lady queene Elizabeth by the grace of god queene of England Frannce and Ireland Defender of the Faythe &c I Robert Rutter of the pishe of Bisley beinge sicke in body and pfect of memory Do make this my last will and testament in manner and Forme Folowinge, First I bequethe my soule unto allmighty god my maker and redeemer and my body to be buryed in the chrche yarde of Bisley afore said. Item I geve to the highe Alter of the said churche iiijs Item I geve to Johane pinin my Svant a yewe and a lame next unto the best Item I geve to Ales Ruter a yewe sheppe Item I geve and bequethe to Johane soule sister unto the said Alis a yewe tegge, Item I geve to Agnes Oster A tegge, Item I geve and bequethe to Richard tigge the younger A yewe Sheepe Item I geve and bequethe unto Robert Bushe my cosin A whill Barrow hogge the best wether and the best yewe, Item I geve unto Thomas Abbott my Rosett Cotte, Item I geve to Thomas Hascome my blewe cotte Item I geve and bequethe unto Harry Carter my second shovle, Item I geve and bequethe unto Leatisse my wiffe my House and lands Duringe her lyffe and after to my He?y?e of her body lawfully begotten and yf shee my wiffe channce to dye with out issue of my body lawfully begotten, Then I will that Robat Bushe befor ???herses shall have my said house and lands for ever to him and his heires for ev Item I geve and bequethe all the rest of my goods not bequethed unto lettissa my wiffe and she to see me honestly brought to earthe the same Lettissa I do constitute and make my sole executrix of this my last will and Testament, ovseers of this my last will John Goringe and Will.m Martin and they to have for their paynes xijd apece witnesses wherof John Millest the elder John Goringe Will.m Martin Thomas Hascome Harry carter Thomas Abott John Farna Robert Bushe Will.m Gherett with others.