Note that this document has been damaged and [some words] from the edge of the page are missing. In the name of God amen ye xiij daye of September Ano Dm 1558 I John Pidder of the pish of Bisley Yeman wtt in the Countye of Surre beynge of perfect mynde and good Remembrance thanks bee unto all myghty God Here I do ordayne & macke this my last wyll and Testament In [manner] and Forme folowynge fyrste I be queth my Solle unto all myghtye god my maker and my [--------] and to our Ladye Saynte Marye and all the Holye Comppany of Heaven & my Boddye to be [bu]ryed in the Church yardde of Bysselye Item I give and be queth unto the mothr churche off [Win]chester ijd Item to the High Alter of Byssely iiijd Item where as I ought unto ye churche of Bysly [-iijs] viijd I give & be queth to itt xs Item unto Laurence Thorlye xvid wtt my best shirt & a Calffes skyne jerkyn a blacke Cowe a paire of me?? ?????? to of my best ?????? Item I do gyve [u]nto Elyzabeth Thorlye a lyttell cheste Itm where as I ought unto John Hone of the parysh of Byslie vjd I give unto hym viijd Itm I give and be queth unto Willm Bonssey a sheppe skyne jerkyn Item I gyve & be queth unto Richd Cobbytt a lame wth a lyttell Cheste Item unto Margerye Carter iiijd Item to Denys Cobbyt ijd Item unto Richard Wheler ijd Item I gyve & be queth unto the Daughtr in lawe of John Balle A Yew a lyttell brasse pott roes and its kettell A payre of ?ott ?anke Itm I geve & be queth unto W.m my cousson Dwelinge In the pyshe of Wyncke Felde A Yew and a Lame Itm I do geve & bequeth unto my w???? Annyeb xid to Kyne ? if the best Yeos wch are my Brasse and pewter not my beding & ? Partayn to it all the Corne wyth the Haye in my ???yn Barne Itm att my Buryeinge iijs iiijd to be Srovoyd in Breade & Drynke and at the marythes mynde othe iijs iiijd Item at Good Frydday nexte Folowynge I charge them to be s???e ijs a piec the ??? and here I do or dayn and make George Wappeshotte of the pyshe of Horsell my Soule Executor of this my last Will & Testament all the rest of my goodds ?one be quethed made a??es & ?one ???? ???? and I ??? to ???? xijd I Witness here of Lawrence Thorlye of Horsell and Richard Wheller of the paryshe off Byslye wit? othe were