This is the last Will and Testament of me Richard Tickner of the Parish of Epsom in the County of Surrey Farmer and Cowkeeper I desire that my body may be interred with as little expence as it can be decently and subject to funeral and testamentary expences I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal Estate and appoint all the real and personal Estate over which I have any power of appointment unto my daughter Charlotte Tickner her heirs executors and assigns absolutely trusting that my said daughter will at her death in case she shall die unmarried distribute my said real and personal Estate amongst such of my Children as shall be living at the time of her decease and the issue of any child or children as shall be then dead leaving issue living at the time of her decease but this expression of my confidence shall not abridge the absolute dominion of my said daughter or create any equity in favor of my said Children and their Issue And I appoint my said daughter Executrix of this my Will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty eight _ Richard Tickner (Attestation Clause) Timothy Hill No 8 ... Place Pool Street New North Road London _ Thomas French No 8 Saint John Street Clerkenwell London Proved at London 19 June 1856 PCC Prob11/2235