This is the last Will and Testament of me George Tickner of Wonersh in the County of Surrey Gamekeeper First I direct that All my just Debts Funeral and Testamentary Expences be paid by my Executor hereinafter named from and out of my Personal Estate and Effects herein after mentioned as soon as conveniently can be after my decease And I give and devise unto my Friend John Henry Boughton of Wonersh aforesaid Farmer his Heirs and Assigns All That my Freehold Messuage Garden and Orchard with the Appurtenances situate lying and being in Wonersh aforesaid now in the occupation of Sarah Tickner and Mary Legge And All other my real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be situate lying and being To hold the same unto and to the Use of the said John Boughton his heirs and assigns for ever And I give and bequeath All and Singular my Moneys Goods Chattels and Effects and all my Personal Estate unto the said John Boughton his executors administrators and assigns for his and their absolute use and benefit And I nominate constitute and appoint the said John Boughton Executor of this my last Will and Testament Lastly I revoke All former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I the said George Tickner have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal the fourth day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and twenty two _ George Tickner (Attestation Clause) Anthony Lee Guildford Draper J Rand Solicitor Guildford W Wilkins Clerk to Mr Rand Proved 31 December 1842 George Tickner died 22 November 1842 Estate below œ100 DW/PA/5/1842/30 London Metropolitan Archives