In the Name of God Amen. The Eigth daie of December in the Yeare of o. lord god 1611 I William Honn of Bisley in the Countye of Surrey being of good and pfect rememberance Do make & ordayne this my last Will & Testament in manner and forme folowinge First I bequeath my soule unto Almyghty god and to my only Savyor & Redeemer Jeasus Christ And my Body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Bisley Item I give to the poore of the said pish ijs Item I give and bequeath my house and land in Bisley to my kinseman John Honn & his Heayers for Ever Item I give to Joan Farnhead my garled Cowe Also I give to Joan Farnheads daughter Mary Farnhead a Cowe and a lame I give to John Hon two Ewes & lamb To Joseph Hon I give two weaters to Martha Castile & Mary Castile I give my Read Cow to An Castile I give a ewe & a tenge & to George Castel I give two teges to Henry Castel I give A ewe Also I give to Ann Underwod my brown cow & her calfe & a orse to Sara Underwod & Elizabeth Underwod I give a garled hefer betwene them to Marryan Underwod I give a Browne hefer To George Castole I give a red ballocke of a year old to William Underwod I give a browne bulocke of a year old to John Hon I give halfe my rye which is nowe bush??eshed to An Underwod I give my wives best gowne & B??esy coat To Joan Farnhead I give a gray Ruset gowne To John Hon I give my best Jerkin & Doblet I do mke John Castile my hole executor I appoynt John Cobbet & Henry Cobbet my overseers & I give them iis apece Witnesses John X Hon & John G Giles William W Hon Probatis suit ? decimo tertio die mensis Jannuariis Anno Dmi 1611 ? Johis Castile executoris