The Will and Testament of me Sarah Venning of No 11 Chester Terrace Boro? Road of St George in the County of Surry Richard Venning Fances Venning Executors of Sarah Venning of No 11 Chester Terrace Boro? Road of St George in the County of Surry do declare this to be my last Will and Testament being in sound mind First I Sarah Venning do will and bequeath to my dear Father and Mother Richard and Sarah Venning the produce of the house situate and being at No 1 Cumberland Place in the Parish of St Mary Newington in the County of Surry and also the produce of the house situate and being No 18 Green Street New Street in the Parish of St Mary Newington in the County of Surry that my father and mother may fully enjoy all rents coming due for both tenements while they both live or either that they pay the ground rents for the said house or tenements that they enjoy all the benefits arising therefrom till the expiration of their said leases and in the case of their decease that the remaining unexpired term of the said leases before mentioned be sold and I do will and bequeath the amount of money the produce of the sale be equally divided between all my brothers and sisters that may be then living and that the said leases be sold as soon after the decease of the last surviving parent as possible I bequest to my Father and Mother all my furniture except the Rose Wood Work box and my Pearl ring to my sister Mary Ann To my sister Elizabeth I give my work table to Marther Rogers my niece I give my Coral necklace I give to my brother Francis my Couch To my father I give my watch and at his death to go to Walter Venning my nephew My Garnet ring and garnet broch to my Mother and at her death to my sister Elizabeth I do further Will that my Father Richd Venning and my brother Francis Venning become my executors and for the arrangement of all my affairs that may be necessary and whatever money I may have in the Bank or elsewhere to go to defray the expences of my funeral and the residue to go to my parents I Sarah Venning do declare this to be my last Will and Testament Witness my seal and signature made this 23 October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four Srah Venning Witness Joseph Whitcher (illegible) Proved at London 25 September 1845 PCC Prob11/2024