In the Name of God Amen I John Tichener of Dorking in the County of Surrey Shoemaker being sensible of my mortality and finding myselfe at this time indisposed in body tho? blessed be God in my senses Do make this my last Will and Testament Imprimis I commend my soule to God in and through my deare Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ and my body to be decently buried according to the discretion of my Executors Item I bequeath to my sister Guillam Two poundes to be paid her a yeare after my decease item I bequeath everything else I have to be equally divided amongst the rest of my sisters after my debts and funerall charges are paid Item I appoint my brothers in law John Bennet Henry Batt and John Higby my joint Executors And lastly I revoke all other Wills and Testaments John Tichener his marke signed sealed and delivered this 14th of Feb 1725 in the presence of us Joseph Stokes John Ellis Proved at London 5 May 1726 PCC Prob11/609