In the name of God Amen. The Ninth daye of Marche in the yere of our Lorde god 1575 & in the Eyghtenthe yere of the Reigne of our Sovreigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of England France & Ireland Defender of the faythe &c I Rychard Cobbet of the parishe of Bysley in the countie of Surry Husbandman beinge sycke in bodye but of good & pfect memory praysed be Almightye god Doe make ordeyne & declare this my last will & Testament in man.r & forme followinge Fyrste I bequeath my soule unto almyghtie god & my bodye to the earthe Itm I give to the poore men & boys of Bysley aforesaide 6s Itm I gyve to Jhone Fylde my neyb.r daughter of John Fylde a cauldron Item I gyve to Christyan Gyles my Sisters Daughter a lytle brasse pott & a platter Item to Anne Gyles two platters Itm I gyve to Will.m Gyles my brother in lawe xs Itm I gyve to Elizabeth Cobbet my brothers Daughter xxs Itm I gyve to John Pottyar my sisters Sonne xxs Itm I gyve to Johne Pottyar xxs And the same money to be paid to my sisters children aforesaide when they come to eighteen yeres of age & yf any doe fayle by Deathe or they come to xxi yeares of age then my wyll ys that the Survyvers or Survyver of them to have the whole money aforenamed Itm I gyve to my brother Robte Cobbet all my apparell bothe here & in Kent Itm I doe confesse that Thoms Lane of Chobham dothe owe me xxiis & iiid Itm that my Brother Will.m Gyles oweth me xiiiis besyde the xs I have gyven hym Itm that Thomas Martyn of Farnbrygh oweth me at St Lady Daye next xs Itm my wyll ys that the former pounds before bequeathed to my late sisters children & to my brother Robtes daughter shalbe payd out of the Rents of my land The Rest of all my goods not gyven I doe gyve to the said Jhone Fylde whome I doe ordeyne & make my whole Executrice of this my wyll and Testament my Father in Lawe John Fylde & Rychard Gymon to be my ov.rseers to see this my wyll to be fulfylled & to have for their paynes xiid a pece Wytnes to this my last wyll & testament John Cobbet the elder Robte Cobbet Rychard Gymon Robte Cobbet the younger John Fylde & John Gyles pson of Bysley Probatum suit ? moi ? Francisco Taylor ? Guildford xix die mensis Aprilis 1576 ? Johanne Filde executricis