This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Rider of No 2 Bath Place Queens Road Peckham in the County of Surrey Widow I do hereby revoke all Wills by me heretofore made and I declare this only to be my last Will and Testament I give devise and bequeath unto my dear daughter Ann Crowder all the real and personal estate goods monies securities for money chattels and effects of whatever nature or kind or wherever the same may be situate to which I am now or at the time of my decease I may be in any wise entitled To hold the same unto my said Daughter her heirs executors administrators and assigns for her and their absolute use and benefit according to the nature and quality thereof respectively And I do hereby appoint my said Daughter Sole Executrix of this my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty six _ Ann Rider (Attestation Clause) Thomas Cox Solicitor 50 Newington Place Kennington _ Ann Dead Same Place Proved at London 12 October 1875 to Ann Crowder Wife of Theophilus Crowder PCC Prob11/2259