In the Name of God Amen. I Richard Carpenter Smith of Ewell in the County of Surry Esq.r being of sound & disposing mind memory & understanding do make this my last Will & testament in manner following that is to say In the first place I direct all my just debts Funeral Expenses & testamentary charges to be paid & satisfied Whereas in & by the Settlement bearing date the first day of February 1763 made on my marriage with my late Wife Martha Smith formerly Martha Hilditch it is declared & agreed (amongst other things) by & between the several Parties thereto that the several Messuages heredits & Premises therein more Particularly described & mentioned to be situate under the Foot of London Bridge in the Borough of Southwark aforesaid were granted conveyed & assured to the trustees therein named their heirs & assigns (amongst other uses) to the use of & in the manner & words following (that is to say) ?And from & after the decease of the Survivor of them the said Richard Carpenter Smith & Martha Hilditch his intended Wife to the use of such Child or Children by the said Richard Carpenter Smith of the body of the said Martha Hilditch to be begotten or if any one or more of them for such Estate or Estates & with or under such restrictions & chargeable with the Payment of such Sum & Sums of money for the benefit of any other or others of the said Children of the said Richard Carpenter Smith by any Deed or Writing to be Signed by him in the Presence of any two or more credible Witnesses with or without power of invocation or by his last Will & testament in Writing to be executed by him in the Presence of three or more credible Witnesses shall direct limit & appoint the same or any part thereof ? (as by the said Indenture of Settlement reference being thereunto hold will more fully appear) Now therefore by virtue & in execution of the said Power resolved to me in & by the said Settlement I hereby direct limit & appoint give devise & bequeath the said Messuages or dwelling houses & Premises comprized in the said Indenture (with their & every of their Appurts (together with all my Interest therein by virtue of the redemption of the Land tax thereof made to me) unto my Son Kinnard Smith his heirs & assigns for ever I nevertheless hereby declare my meaning & intention to be that the monies which were lately taken & received by me by way of fines in respect of or as a compensation for the removal of the Loans which have lately been granted or executed by me of the said Messuages or Dwelling Houses & Premises shall belong to or be considered & taken as part of the general residue of my Personal Estate & Effects I give devise & bequeath unto my Son Ralph Smith all those my Freehold Messuages or tenements heredits Wharf & premises or Interests or Shares of or in the said Freehold Messuages or tenements heredits Wharf & Premises situate at or near Police Stairs or elsewhere in the Parish of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex To hold the said Freehold Messuages Tenements Dwelling houses Premises or Interests or shares therein with their & every of their appurts to my said Son Ralph Smith his heirs & assigns Nevertheless my mind & will is that I give the said Estates subject to my said Son Ralph Smith making no claim or Demand on my Exors for or on Account of any money for rent received or money arising from the Sale of Brewhouse Yard to the London Dock Company my said Son Ralph never having advanced or paid me any part of the money paid for his part of the said Estate conveyed to him & which was advanced by me I give to my Sons Ralph Smith Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith and Thomas Smith & the Survivor & Survivors of them their heirs Exors Admors or assigns the Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds three Pounds Per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities Upon the trusts & for the purposes following that is to say Upon trust that they do receive & pay the growing Interest & Dividends thereof to my Daughter Ann Buxton wife of Thomas Bentley Buxton for & during the term of her natural life subject nevertheless as hereinafter mentioned without being liable or subject in any manner to the Debts Controul or Engagements either by anticipation or otherwise of her said Present or any other after taken Husband & for which Dividends & Interest I will & direct that her receipt alone shall be a sufficient discharge to my said trustees or the Survivor or Survivors of them it being my meaning and intention that the said Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds trust Stock may be preserved for the maintenance & support of her self & her Children And upon or after her Decease of my said Daur Ann Buxton I will & direct that my said trustees do pay & divide the said trust Stock to & amongst all & every such of the Children of my said Daughter Ann Buxton by the said Thomas Bentley Buxton her husband as shall be living at the time of her decease if more than one share & share alike And if only one such Child then to such only Child at their his or her age or ages of twenty one years with benefit of Survivorship amongst them in case of the Death or Deaths of any or either of such Children under the age of twenty one years at which period alone I will that the Interests of such Children respectively in the said trust Stock shall be devised vested & transmissable & in the mean time & until such Children shall severally attain their his or her ages or age of twenty one years I will & direct that my said trustees be at liberty to apply or dispose of the growing Interest & Dividends of the said trust Stock or as much thereof as in their Discretion or Judgement shall be fit & necessary in & towards the maintenance & Education of such Child or Children regard being had to the charge or charges of such Children respectively in the future Distribution of the Capital of the said trust Stock & in the event of my Daughter Ann Buxton dying without leaving any such Child or Children as aforesaid or otherwise in the event of her leaving such they should all die before his her or their attainment of the age of twenty one years then I will & direct that my said trustees do & shall stand & be possessed of the principal of the said Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds trust Stock upon this further trust that is to say Upon trust to pay & distribute the same together with the savings of Interest & Dividends thereof if any to & amongst all and every the Child & Children of my Sons Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith which shall be living at her death & shall live to attain the age of twenty one years but not otherwise equally between them share & share alike & if but one such Child then to such only Child his her or their Exors Admors & assigns I give & bequeath unto my Daur Elizabeth Smith the Sum of nine thousand Pounds three Per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities to & for her own use and Benefit & direct the same to be transferred to her within three months after my decease subject nevertheless to the payment of an Annuity of ten Pounds Per Annum clear of the Property tax & all other taxes to my Sister Elizabeth Shaw for & during the term of her natural life by quarterly payments Which Annuity I hereby give and bequeath to the said Elizabeth Shaw I give and bequeath to my Son in law John Charlston Ive the Sum of one hundred Pounds for Mourning to be paid him as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give & bequeath unto my said Sons Ralph Smith Richard Smith Joseph Smith and Thomas Smith & the Survivors and Survivor of them their or his Exors Admors & Assigns the Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds threeś Per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities upon the trusts & to & for the purposes following (that is to say) to apply the Interest & Dividends thereof to the maintenance & Education of the three Children of my said Daur Ann Buxton namely Bentley Buxton Smith Buxton & Martha Ann Buxton & as they severally arrive to the age of twenty one years Upon trust to transfer divide & pay the said Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds with the savings of Interest (if any) unto & amongst the said three Children of my said Daughter Ann Buxton equally share & share alike with the benefit of Survivorship to the said three Children but in case all the said three Children shall happen to die under the age of twenty one years & my said Daughter Ann Buxton should then have living any other Child or Children I direct that my said trustees and the Survivor of them & the Exors or Admors of such Survivor shall stand & be possessed of the said Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds three Per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities or so much thereof as shall not have been disposed of for the purposes of this my Will Upon the trusts following that is to say to apply the Interests & Dividends thereof towards the maintenance & Education of such other Child or Children of my said Daughter Ann Buxton as may be hereafter born & as they severally attain the age of twenty one years Upon trust to transfer divide & pay the said Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds or so much thereof as shall be then remaining undisposed of with the saving of Interest (if any) amongst all such other the Child or Children of my said Daur Ann Buxton share & share alike with benefit of Survivorship to the said last mentioned Children but in case all the said Children shall happen to die in the life time of their said Mother under the age of twenty one years then I direct my said trustees or the Survivors of them to pay the Interest & Dividends of the said Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds three Per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities unto my said Daughter Ann Buxton for & during the term of her natural life to & for her own sole Corporate Use & Benefit notwithstanding her present or any future Coverture & do direct that her receipts alone shall be a good & sufficient discharge for such Interest or Dividends it being my meaning that the same shall not be liable to the Debts Contracts or Engagements of her Present or any after taken husband & from & after her decease in the event of al her said Children being then dead I will & direct that my said trustees do & shall stand & be possessed of the Principal of the said Sum of Four thousand five hundred Pounds three Per Cent Bank Annuities Upon this further trust that is to say Upon trust to pay & distribute the same together with the saving s of the Interest & Dividends if any to & amongst all & every the Child & Children of my Sons Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith who shall live to attain the age of twenty one years equally between them share & share alike & if but one such Child then to such only Child his her or their Exors Admors & assigns And Whereas it may happen that the said Bentley Buxton & Smith Buxton the Sons of my said Daur Ann Buxton may require some Aid & assistance for their advancement and promotion in life before they attain their ages of twenty one years Now it is my Will & meaning I do hereby direct Authorize & empower my said trustees & the Survivor of them & the Exors Admors of such Survivor if they shall think it right & Proper to sell & Dispose of a Sum not exceeding One thousand Pounds part of the said last mentioned trust Stock & to pay & apply the same equally for such the advancement & promotion in life of the said Bentley Buxton & Smith Buxton as a part of their share & proportion of the said original trust Stock I give & bequeath unto my said Sons Ralph Smith Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith & the Survivors & Survivor of then the Sum of Forty Pounds a year Long Annuities Upon trust to pay & apply twenty Pounds a year part thereof for & towards the maintenance & Education of my Grandson the said Bentley Buxton or to sell & dispose of the said twenty pounds a year if they my said trustees shall think it necessary & proper as a further aid & assistance for his advancement & promotion in life before he attains the age of twenty one years And in like manner to pay apply & dispose of the other twenty Pounds a year remainder of the said forty pounds a year Long Annuities to & for the like use benefit advancement & promotion of my Grandson the said Smith Buxton but in case either of my said Grandsons should die before his share of the said Annuities should be sold & disposed of I will & direct that such share shall be applied & disposed of by my said trustees for the benefit of the Survivor of my said two Grandchildren in like manner as his original share & in the event of both my said Grandchildren dying before all the said Annuities shall be Sold I will & direct that my said trustees shall stand & be possessed of the said Forty Pounds a year long Annuities or such part thereof as shall remain unsold to & for the use and benefit of my Granddaughter Martha Ann Buxton & to be assigned or transferred to her on her attaining the age of twenty one years with all savings thereof (if any) But if my said Granddaughter Martha Ann Buxton shall die in the life time of her said Brothers or under the age of twenty one years then I will & direct that my said trustees shall stand & Be possessed of the said Forty Pounds a year Long Annuities or so much thereof as shall remain unsold or not disposed of as aforesaid Upon trust to pay & distribute the same to & amongst all and every the Child and Children of my said Sons Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith who shall live to attain the age of twenty one years equally between them share & share alike. & if but one such Child then to such Child only his her or their Exors Admors & Assigns And I will & direct that no part of the Dividends & Interest hereinbefore given to the Children of my said Daur Ann Buxton or to which they may become entitled under this my Will shall on any Account whatever to be paid & applied by my said Exors for the maintenance & Education of the said Children as hereinbefore directed I give & bequeath unto my said Sons Joseph Smith Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith and Thomas Smith & the Survivors & Survivor of them their & his Exors Admors & Assigns the Sum of Six hundred Pounds five pounds per Centum Navy Annuities Upon the trusts & for the purposes following that is to say Upon trust that they do receive & pay the Interest & Dividends thereof to Elizabeth Shaw Widow of Samuel Shaw deceased during the term of her natural life & after her decease I direct my said trustees to transfer to her daughter Martha Ann Crossfield Wife of James Crossfield Four hundred Pounds part of the said Sum of Six hundred pounds & the remaining two hundred pounds to Elizabeth Shaw daughter of the aforesaid Elizabeth Shaw but should either of the said Daughters Martha Ann Crossfield & Elizabeth Shaw die in the life time of their said Mother then I give the whole of the said Sum of Six hundred pounds to the Survivor of them & should they both happen to die in the life time of their said Mother then I give the whole of the said Sum of Six hundred pounds to my Exors Upon trust to pay and distribute the same together with the savings of the Interest & Dividends if any to & amongst all & every the Child or Children of my said Sons Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith who shall live to attain the age of twenty one years equally between them share & share alike but if but one such Child then to such only Child his her or their Exors Admors & Assigns I give & bequeath to my Sister Ann Nangreave the optimal Sum of thirty pounds to be paid to her quarterly during the term of her natural life the first payment to be made at the expiration of three calendar months after my decease I give & bequeath to my Niece Elizabeth Smith Pooley the Sum of one hundred pounds to be paid to her upon the decease of her Mother my Sister the said Ann Nangreave provided she my said Niece shall be then living I give & bequeath to my Nephew Thomas Towers the Sum of one hundred Pounds I give & bequeath to Thomas Pooley of Saint Margarets Hill Southwark & to Patricia Goodall of the Town of Nottingham Hosier & to Joseph Norris (now living with my Sons Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith) the Sum of Fifty Pounds each for Mourning I also give & bequeath unto my cousin _____ Dennis late of His Majesty?s Yard at Sheerness the Sum of nineteen Guineas for Mourning And unto my Servant Mary Sarester the Sum of Fifteen Guineas for Mourning if she shall be living with me at the time of my decease I give & bequeath Unto Kenbow Catamore of Walworth in the County of Surrey Plaisterer the Sum of ten Guineas & unto his Wife Nine Guineas for Mourning which said Legacies or Sums of Money I direct to be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give and Bequeath unto my old Servant Richard Brigland the Sum of Five Pounds to be paid within one month of my decease & one Annuity or clear yearly Sum of Five Guineas for & during the term of his natural life by quarterly payments the first of such payments to commence & be paid at the expiration of three months after my decease I give and Bequeath unto my Servant Elizabeth Dolling the Sum of Five Guineas to be paid within one month of my decease & one Annuity or clear yearly Sum of ten Guineas for & during the term of her natural life for her great care and attention to my late dear Wife during her long Indisposition I also give & bequeath unto my Servant Elizabeth Harrison if she shall be living with me at the time of my decease the Sum of Five Guineas to be paid within one month of my decease & one like Annuity or clear yearly Sum of ten Guineas for & during the term of her natural life such last mentioned Annuities to be paid and payable half yearly the first of such payments to begin and be made on the first quarter day next after my decease I give & bequeath unto my Servants Thomas Stacey William Stacey & Mary Cook the Sum of Five Guineas each to be paid to them as soon as convenient after my decease I give & bequeath unto my said Son Thomas Smith the Sum of one thousand pounds East India Stock which I mean & intend as a compensation for the great Expense & trouble he has been at already & may hereafter be put unto on account of my Grandson Bentley Buxton I give & bequeath unto Ann the Wife of my Son Joseph Smith the Sum of two thousand pounds three pounds per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities to be paid assigned or transferred to her as soon as conveniently may be after my decease for her great attention & civility to me at all times since her marriage with my Son but in case the said Ann Smith should not survive me then I give & bequeath the said Sum of two thousand pounds three pounds per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities unto my said Son Joseph Smith to be paid assigned or transferred to him as soon as conveniently may be after my decease And I direct that the said last mentioned legacy shall be taken as a full discharge for all Interest if any that may be due at the time of my decease upon or by virtue of a Bond or Obligation I executed for the payment of Five hundred pounds within six months after my decease to the trustees named in a Settlement made previous to the Marriage of my said Son Joseph Smith with the said Ann Smith formerly Ann Ready I give & bequeath unto my Son John Smith now one of the Judges of the Court of Appeal & Circuit at Broach & Gazzaret in the East Indies if my said Son shall be living at the time of my decease but not otherwise the Sum of Five thousand pounds four pounds per Centum Bank Annuities subject nevertheless to the payment of an Annuity or clear yearly Sum of ten pounds per Annum to my said Sister Elizabeth Shaw for & during the term of her natural life free from the property & all other taxes & payable quarterly & which Annuity I hereby give and bequeath her the said Elizabeth Shaw But in case my said Son shall not survive me then I direct that the said Sum of Five thousand pounds four pounds per Centum Bank Annuities shall sink into and become & be deemed part of the residue of my Estate & Effects & disposed of as such as hereinafter mentioned subject to the said Annuity of ten pounds per Annum to the said Elizabeth Shaw I also give and bequeath unto my said Son Joseph Smith all the household & other Furniture plate linen & China which may belong to me & which may be in his Dwelling house & premises at Saint Margarets Hill at the time of my decease Whereas it is intended to invest a Sum of money in the Funds part of the Estate and Effects of my late Son Samuel Smith in the Names of the trustees the Interest and Dividends whereof are to be paid & applied to & for his Widow Mary Smith during her life and after her death the principal is to be applicable to such purposes as I by my last Will and Testament may direct & appoint Now I do therefore give & bequeath by this my last Will and testament direct & appoint give & bequeath unto my said Son Joseph Smith his Exors & Admors all such Stock as may be standing in the Names of trustees for the purposes aforesaid from & immediately after the decease of the said Mary Smith I give & bequeath unto my said Son Ralph Smith the Sum of one thousand pounds three pounds per Centum Bank Annuities to be paid assigned or transferred to him as soon as conveniently may be after my decease which I intend & mean to be as a compensation to my said Son Ralph Smith for the trouble he will have in the execution of the trusts contained in this my Will & which I earnestly respect he will do me the favor to undertake And whereas upon the marriage of my Son Joseph Smith I gave a Bond or obligation to service to him at my death the payment of Five hundred pounds with Interest in the meantime & as it may happen that at my decease there may be some arrears of Interest due from me in respect of the principal money secured by the said Bond I hereby declare my will & meaning to be that all the benefit & Interest to arise to my said Son Joseph Smith under or by virtue of this my will is given to them in consideration of his giving up to & for the benefit of my Estate all Claims whatsoever in respect of such arrears of Interest And Whereas my Son Richard Carpenter Smith has been already amply provided for & advanced by me in the world I hereby declare my will & intention to be absolutely to exclude & deprive him of & from any share Interest or benefit of & in any part of my real or personal Estate & Effects and I will and direct in case I have no sufficient Stock at the time of my decease in the three pounds per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities to answer & pay all the Legacies hereinbefore given that my said Exors shall & do purchase such Stock in the said Fund as may be necessary to discharge all such Legacies as aforesaid And after the payment of my Debts Funeral Expenses Charges of proving this my Will & providing for the several Legacies hereinbefore given I hereby give devise & bequeath all the rest residue & remainder of my real & personal Estate of what nature or kind soever & wheresoever unto my said three Sons Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith To hold the same according to the nature & qualities thereof unto my said three Sons their heirs Exors Admors & Assigns for ever as tenants in common & not as joint tenants & in case it should be necessary in order to divide & make a distribution of the whole or any part of the residue of my real & personal Estate between them the said Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith or for other the purposes of this my Will I do declare that it shall be lawful for them so to do & that the receipt of the said Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith their heirs Exors or Admors shall be a good & sufficient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers of the whole or any part of the purchase money for my said real or personal Estate & the said purchaser or purchasers shall not be bound or compelled or compellable to or to the application of such purchase money And Lastly my will is & I do hereby direct that it shall & may be lawful to & for my said trustees & Exors & the Survivor & Survivors of them & the Exors or Admors of such Survivor from time to time by & out of the trust monies that may come to their respective hands to retain to themselves or himself all & every such Sum & Sums of money which they he or any of them shall or may bear pay sustain for or by reason of the Execution of this my Will or any of the trusts herein contained And also that they or either of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any loss that may happen to any of the trust monies Estates or Premises so as such loss happens without their or his wilful default or neglect nor for the acts receipts or defaults of the other or others of them but each of them for his Acts Deeds receipts & Defaults only I appoint my Sons Ralph Smith Kinnard Smith Joseph Smith & Thomas Smith Executors of this my Will and I hereby revoke all former Wills & Will & Codicils or Codicil by me at any time heretofore made & I declare this alone to be my last Will & Testament In Witness Whereof I have to this last sheet of this my will containing with this sheet Eleven sheets of paper set my hand & at the top of the first & to this last sheet have affixed my Seal this tenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirteen ? R C Smith LS ? Signed Sealed Published & Declared by the said Richard Carpenter Smith the testator (the words ?direct limit & appoint? between the 24th and 25th lines of the first sheet & the words ?and Thomas Smith? between the 2nd & 3rd lines of the seventh sheet being first interlined) as & for his last Will & testament in the presence of us who at his request & in his presence & in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. ? Geo. Ware ? Jno: H Young 8 Blackfriars Street Southwark ? Tho.s Stoneham Clerk to J & SC Smith Southwark // I Richard Carpenter Smith of Ewell in the County of Surrey Esq.r Do make publish & declare this as & for a Codicil to my last Will & Testament & direct the same to be taken as part thereof I give and bequeath unto my Daughter in law Aurora Ellithorn Smith the Sum of one thousand Pounds three Per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities to be paid to her as soon after my decease as convenient but in case she should not survive me then I give and bequeath the same unto her Husband my Son Kinnard Smith And I do hereby in all other respects ratify & confirm my said last Will & testament In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this twenty fourth day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen ? R C Smith LS ? Signed Sealed Published & Declared by the said Richard Carpenter Smith the testator as & for a Codicil to his last Will & testament in the presence of us who in his presence & in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. ? Geo. Ware ? Ja.s Robertson (Clerk to Ware & Young) ? John Wm Hodgson Clerk to Smith & Co.// I Richard Carpenter Smith of Ewell in the County of Surrey Esquire do make publish & declare this as & for a Codicil to my last Will & Testament & direct the same to be taken as part thereof I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Smith Buxton the Sum of ten Pounds per annum to be paid out of the Long Ann.s standing in my name in addition to all other Sum or Sums of money I may before have left him by my Will the above to be subject to the same trust as the Long Annuities heretofore devised to the aforesaid Smith Buxton And I do hereby in all other respects ratify & confirm my said last Will & testament In Witness Whereof I have here unto set my hand & Seal this fifteenth day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirteen ? Rich.d Carp. Smith LS ? Signed Sealed Published & Declared by the said Richard Carpenter Smith the testator as & for a Codicil to his last Will & testament in the presence of us who in his presence & in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. ?Robert Hall Ewell Surrey ? Sarah Han ? William Aknos // Proved at London with two Codicils 8th Feb.y 1816 before the Whpful John Dodson Dr of Laws & Surr by the oaths of Kinnard Smith and Joseph Smith the Sons & two of the Exors to whom Admon was granted being first sworn duly to Adm.r power reserved to Ralph Smith & Thomas Smith the Sons also & other Exors.//