This is the last will and Testament of me Benjamin Waterer of Betchworth in the County of Surry Gentleman I give and bequeath unto my Friends Captain Philip Butler of Reigate in the said County of Surrey & Turner of Margaret Street Cavendish Square in the Count of Middlesex Gentleman and George Dewdney of Dorking in this County of Surrey Banker their Executors and Admors all that my Leasehold house and premises situate in Chipstone Street Saint Mary le Bone in the County of Middx In Trust to apply a sufficient part of the rents and profits thereof for the maintenance and Education of my son Joseph Waterer and the .... thereof subject to the Ground Rent to lay out in the Purchase of Stock in the Public Funds and also to lay out the Dividends and ....hereof as the same may from time to time arise in the purchase of further stock and to transfer all such ... be Purchased as aforesaid unto my said son at his age of 21 years to whom I give the same and all arrears of rent of the said premises and .... the Ground Rent and all other Interest or monies arising from the said Stock that may happen not to be laid out I give unto my said son at his age of twenty one years and upon my said son Joseph Waterer attaining his said age of twenty one years I give and bequeath to him the said Leasehold Premises or now in Clipstone Street aforesaid and all my .... and Estate therein I give and bequeath unto my said Friends Philip Butler A Turner and George Dewdney their Executors and Admors All that my Leasehold house and premises in Charlton Street Marylebone aforesaid In Trust to pay....... the rents and profits thereof for the maintenance & Education of my Son Benjamin and the residue thereof subject to the Ground rent to lay out in the Purchase of Stock in the public funds and also to lay out the Dividends and interest thereof as the same may from time to time arise in his purchase of Stock and to transfer all such Stock so to be purchased as aforesaid unto my said Son Benjamin at his age of twenty one years to whom I give the same and all arrears of rent ..... Ground Rent and all other Interest or money arising from the said Stock that may...... not to be laid out I give to my said Son Benjamin at his age of twenty one years and upon my said Son Benjamin attaining his age of twenty one Years I give and bequeath to him the said Leasehold Premises situate in Chariton Street aforesaid and all my interest and Estate therein provided that in case my Son Benjamin and my said Son Joseph or either of them shall happen to die before his or their attaining their respective ages of twenty one Years without having lawful issue then I direct that the said leasehold premises of him so dying shall be considered as part of the residue of my personal Estate and to be equally divided between my said Sons Vizt Benjamin and Richard and the Survivor of them but in case my said sons so dying leaving lawful issue then I give the said leasehold Premises which would have belonged to them my said Sons respectively if living to their respective lawful issue and to be applied to the use and benefit of such issue I give & bequeath to my son Joseph my Table Clock and request my Exors or one of them to keep it for him until he be come of age I give and bequeath unto my reputed Daughter Sarah Waterer Fifty pounds to be paid her at the discretion of my said trustees and Executors I give and bequeath unto Lucy Taylor of Newdigate in the said County of Surrey Singlewoman œ20 to be paid her within six months next after my decease I give devise & bequeath unto the said Philip Butler A Turner and Geo Dewdney their heirs Executors and Admors all that my Estate situate at Betchworth aforesaid and all the rest residue and remainder of my Personal Estate In trust to sell & dispose of the same after my decease as conveniently may be and for the most money that may reasonably expected to be got for the same and out of the monies arising therefrom in the first place to pay my Funeral Expences And my Just Debts and the aforesaid legacies and in the next place that my said trustees invest the Sum of œ450 part hereof in the Funds for the benefit of my said Son Richard at his age of 21 Years and to lay out the Dividends and Interest thereof as the same shall from time to time arise in the Purchase of further Stock in case the same shall not be made use of for my said Son Richard under his said age of twenty one years and on my said Son Richard attaining his age of twenty one years to transfer all the said original Stock and all other Stocks so to be purchased by the Interest or dividends thereof or the Interest or dividends of such Interest or dividends and to whom I give the same and at his attaining such age I give him all such monies or Interest arising from Stock or Stocks that may happen not to be laid out as aforesaid and I do further direct my said trustees to invest the Sum of œ250 other part thereof in the funds for the Purpose of paying five shillings a week for the support and bringing up of Letitia Taylor natural Daughter of the said Lucy Taylor until she shall attain her age of 14 Years and on her attaining that age or in case of her death before she shall so have attained that age in either of the said Cases I give and bequeath the said Stock with all Interest & dividends which shall be due thereon unto my said Sons Joseph Benjn and Richard and the Survivors or Survivor of them equally and I direct my said trustees to transfer the same to them and I do hereby direct my said trustees out of my Personal Estate to lay out in repairing my said leasehold houses situate in Charlton Street Clipstone Street aforesaid at such times and in such manner as they or the Survivors or Survivor of them shall think Proper the Sum of œ50 on each house that the same premises may be in good repair on my said sons Joseph and Benjamin attaining their said ages of twenty one years and all the rest residue and remainder of the moneys to arise by such sale and disposal of my Estate and Effects as aforesaid subject to the Costs and Expences attending to the Execution of this my will I desire and direct to be laid out in the Funds by my said trustees In trust to pay and apply a Sufficient part of the interest thereof for the maintenance & education of my said sons Joseph Benjamin and Richard and that all Interest and Produce of the said Stock over and above what may be required for the maintenance & education of my said sons be also laid out in the purchase of further Stock until my said sons Joseph Benjamin & Richard respectively their ages of twenty one Years on their attaining their respective ages thereof I direct that an equal share of all such original Stock as may be purchased as aforesaid from the dividends thereof may be transferred to them respectively to whom I give the same and I also give them an equal part of all such monies or Interest as may happen to be paid out as they respectively attain such age and in case either of my said sons Joseph Benjamin & Richard die before attaining such age having lawful issue then such issue to be such share & benefit thereof as they my said Sons or either of them would have been entitled to if living but if either die without leaving such issue the Survivors or Survivor to take the whole and I do hereby empower and direct my said trustees if at any time they shall find it necessary and beneficial to change or alter the Stock or Stocks which the monies have before directed to be paid out or have purchased that they shall have liberty to do so and from time to time as they shall see occasion for the benefit of the Child or Children interested and further that none of my said trustees shall be accountable or answerable for the receipts acts or deeds of the others of them but each for his own receipts acts and deeds only and that the said trustees may and shall be at liberty out of the monies coming to their hands as aforesaid retain and reimburse themselves all such loss and Expences that they or either of them may sustain or be put unto in the Execution of the trusts in them hereby reposed and I hereby nominate and appoint the said Philip Butler A Turner and George Dewdney Executors and trustees of this my Will and I do hereby direct my said trustees & Exors to place out my said sons apprentice on their attaining their respective ages of Fourteen or hereabouts I also wish them to be put out to some proper trade as a Carpenter Wheelwright etc. and do direct my said trustees to advance a Premium to apprentice them out not exceeding œ30 or œ40 which I leave to their discretion and also to allow some small annual or other Sum for Cloathing them and washing and mending during their Apprenticeship All which I hereby empower and request my said trustees to do And my will further is that if my said Son Richard should happen to die before he attains his said age of twenty one Years without leaving lawful issue that then the œ450 I have hereinbefore directed to be laid out in the funds and all the Stock to be purchased therewith and the interest thereof shall be considered as part of the residue of my Personal Estate and applied accordingly but if my said son Richard should leave lawful issue then that such issue shall be intitled thereto and Lastly if it should happen that all my said sons should happen to die before they attain their respective ages of twenty one years without any or either of them leaving lawful issue then my Will is that my Nephew Yearly Waterer if living or his lawful issue if dead shall be intitled to all the Stocks money Dividends and interest thereof as my said sons would have been intitled to if living and in default of lawful issue of my said Nephew Yearly Waterer as aforesaid then I give all the Stocks money Dividends and interest to Sarah Broughton Wife of Alexr Broughton of Reigate aforesd Gentleman if living or if deceased to her lawful issue and I hereby revoke all other and former wills by me heretofore made and do publish and declare this to be my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and testament written on five sheets of paper to the first four sheets set my hand and to that last my hand and seal this sixth day of November in the Year of our Lord 1806 _ Benjamin Waterer (Attestation Clause) Thos Dod _ Jas Rose _ Timothy Hall (Affidavit of due Execution by William Sanders Robinson of Reigate in the County of Surrey Gentleman son in law of Timothy Hall deceased late of Dorking Solicitor sworn 14 January 1815) Proved at London 21 January 1815 to George Dewdeney the surviving Executor PCC Prob11/1564