In the Name of God Amen I William Ryde of Abinger in Surry Yeoman do make my last Will as follows I give to my dear & beloved wife Ann Ryde the Dividends of One thousand four hundred pounds Stock in the three Per Cent Annuities standing in my Name in the Books kept at the Bank of England she to receive the first Dividend which shall become due next after my decease to hold such Dividends to her for her natural life Also I give to my said Wife the use of half my Household Goods & half my Household Linen & Plate for her natural life & after her decease I give the said Stock Household Goods Household Linen and plate to my Son William Whiting alias Ryde for his own use Also I give to my said Son William Whiting alias Ryde my Freehold Messuage Farm Lands in the Parishes of Wotten and Abinger in Surry now in the Occupation of myself & my said Son To hold to the said William Whiting alias Ryde his Heirs and Assigns for ever and I will that my said Wife shall within three Months after my decease release her claim to Dower or thirds to my said Son or forfeit ten pounds a year to him out of the Dividends of Stock above given to her. Also I give to my said Son William Whiting alias Ryde all my Leasehold Estate in Deptford in Solent & all other my Real & Personal Estate whatsoever & wheresoever To hold to him his Heirs Exors & Admors according to the nature thereof and I make him sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & Seal the Fourteenth day of July one thousand Eight hundred and Eight Wm Ryde (Attestation Clause) John Puttock _ Wm Johnson _ Aaron Longhurst Proved at London 19 September 1810 PCC Prob11/1515