This is the Will of Edmund Tugwell of Abinger in the County of Surrey Farmer First I recommend my soul to God my body to be buried according to the discretion of my Executrix herein after named and as to my worldly estate I give bequeath and devise to my six Children as follows To Hannah the Wife of Thomas Spencer five pounds To Sarah the Wife of John Spencer five pounds To Mary five pounds To Leah the Wife of James Foster five pounds To William five pounds and to James five pounds to be paid within three months after my decease I give bequeath and devise to my loving wife Hannah all my whole estate whatsoever or wheresoever Also I constitute and appoint my said Wife Hannah whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament In witness hereof I have hereunto set my seal and signed my name this twenty fourth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one Edmund Tugwell Signed sealed published and declared by Edmund Tugwell the Testator in the presence of James Longhurst _ John Nettlefold Proved at London 22 June 1825 PCC Prob11/1700