In the Name of God Amen I James Wellbelove of the Parish of Wotton in the County of Surry Victualler being at this time in Sound mind and Memory thanks be Almighty God for the Same and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this transitory life do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament for Setteling my Worldly Estate with which it hath pleased God of his great Goodness to Bless me with in the following Manner (that is to Say) First I will that all my Just Debts shall be paid and Defrayed And then I give and bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Wellbelove the Sum of Five Pounds And I give unto my Sister Susannah the Wife of John Webb the like Sum of Five Pounds And I give unto my Sister Mary the Wife of William Moor the like Sum of Five Pounds These three Legacies to be paid Within Twelve Months next after the Decease of my Loving Wife Ann Wellbelove Whome I shall hereafter make and Appoint Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I give and Bequeath unto my Brother William Wellbelove?s three Children Named James, John, Jenny or Jane Wellbelove the Sum of five pounds apiece to each of them to be paid Within Twelve Months next after the Decease of my Loving Wife Ann Wellbelove if they should be then living And I give and bequeath unto my Brother Samuell Wellbelove the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid him out of my freehold Estate Messuage Stable Yard Garden Orchard and Appurtenances thereto belonging Situate Lying and being in the Hamlett of Ham in the Parish of Kingstone upon Thames in the County of Surry at the time and in the Manner is herein fixed for the Payment thereof I Likewise give him all my Wearing Apparrell to be delivered to him within One Month next after my decease and I Devise and Bequeath unto my Loving Wife Ann Wellbelove All that my frehold Estate or Tenement Messuage Stable Yard Garden Orchard and Appurtenances thereto belonging Situate Lying and being in the said Hamlett of Ham in the said County of Surry and to her Heirs and Assigns for ever To have and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement Stable Yard Garden Orchard with the Appurtenances thereto belonging unto my said Loving Wife Ann Wellbelove and to her Heires and Assigns for ever Subject Nevertheless my Will and Meaning is that my said Wife Ann Wellbelove her Executors Administrators and Assigns for Ever out of the before Mentioned Estate unto my Samuel Wellbelove the above Mentioned Sum of One Hundred Pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Britain in Manner as followeth (that is to say) fifty pounds part thereof within Twelve Months next after my Decease and fifty pounds the other part thereof to be paid within Twelve Months next after the Decease of my Loving Wife Ann Wellbelove With the payment of this Legacy of One Hundred Pounds to my said Brother Samuel Wellbelove I do hereby Charge and subject my said Messuage or Tenement with all the Appurtenances thereto belonging as before mentioned to my said Wife Ann Wellbelove and in case my said Brother Samuel Wellbelove should happen to Die before the time of Payment of this Legacy that my Will and Meaning is that the same shall be paid to his Children that shall then be living in equall portions Share and Share alike Provided they be then of the Age of Twenty one Years but if they be under that age then the same to be paid to them at such time as shall attain their Respective and Several Ages of Twenty one Years All the rest and Residue of my goods Chattels Ready Moneys and Personal Estate Whatsoever and Wheresoever after my Debts and Funeral Charges are paid and Defrayed and are not herein bequeathed I Give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife Ann Wellbelove Whom I do hereby Make and Appoint my full and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament Hereby Revoking and Disannulling all other former Wills by me heretofore made Ratifying and Confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said James Wellbelove have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the Twenty fifth Day of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six James Wellbelove (Attestation Clause) Edward Brookwell _ Thomas Ansell _ John Weston Proved 7 April 1766 London Metropolitan Archives