In the Name of God Amen I William Welbelove, Brickler, living in the Parish of Egham Hithe Surry being in my perfect senses to make this my last Will and Testament I first give to my Niece Elizabeth Baker the sum of One thousand four hundred and forty five Pounds Stock in the four per cents Annuitys And I all sow give to my Nephew Francis Dibb the sum of One thousand Pounds Stock in the same four per cents And also give to Mary Hamaton Daughter of Elizabeth Baker the sum of Five hundred pounds Stock in the same four per cents Likewise William Hamaton the sum of Three hundred Pounds Stock in the four per cents Likewise Sophia Cooter the sum of Three hundred Pounds Stock in the four per cents likewise my Nephew Francis Dibb his six Children the sum of Three hundred Pounds each Stock in the four per cents Annuitys and I likewise give to Martha Dibb the wife of Francis Dibb five pounds for her use likewise Sarah Paine the Mother of Marther Dibb the sum of twenty Pounds likewise to Edmund Merrick of Stanwell the sum of thirty Pounds likewise I give to my Nephew Francis Dibb all my premises and Estates and all my Stock & Goods in & on the same Premises the Legacies of the said Francis Dibb his six Children to be paid at the age of twenty four and likewise the Children of Elizabeth Baker I do appoint the same Mr Edmund Merrick of Stanwell Middlesex my Trust and Executors of all my Property and likewise Francis Dibb and William Baker of Bray the Husband of the Widow Hamatom to be in trust with him the same Edmund Merrick to see my last Will is properly fulfilled in the Year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventeen the twenty eight day of April W Welbeloved One thousand eight hundred and seventeen in the presence of us Witnesses John Maddock _ Charles Hayter _ James Lines Proved at London 5 January 1818 PCC Prob11/1600