I James Wellbelove (Baker) of Surbiton in the Parish of Kingston upon Thames in the County of Surry being now very ill but in sound mind do this seventh day of November One thousand eight hundred and fifty sixth make this my last Will and Testament that I give and bequeath unto my dear Wife Eleanor All my estates both freehold and copyhold and leasehold and wheresoever or become heir to or die possessed of also all my book debts and goods and chattels that is due or doth belong to me I give to Wife for her life and at her death all and every thing herein named or that I may die possessed of unto my dear Daughter Sarah Ann Wellbelove for her sole use and disposal And I the said James Wellbelove doth appoint my dear Wife Eleanor and my dear Daughter Sarah Ann Wellbelove Executors to this my last Will In witness whereof I have this seventh day of November One thousand eight hundred and fifty six signed my name in the presence of William Dulling and Henry Miles _ James Wellbelove Proved at London 8 May 1857 PCC Prob11/2252