In the Name of God Amen I Edward Underhill of the Parish of St Olaves in the County of Surry Carpenter being in good health and of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament in the manner following Vz I give and bequeath to my Eldest Sister Mary ffuller in the Parish of Dorking in the County of Surry the Sum of one shilling I also give and bequeath to my Sister Elizabeth Daulton of Godstone in the County of Surry the Sum of one shilling I also give & bequeath to my Sister Sarah Underhill in the Parish of Oxted in the County of Surry the Sum of one shilling I also give and bequeath to my loving Wife Elizabeth Underhill All my Household Goods and Wearing Apparel Linen and Woollen Also all my Working Tools & Money I also leave my said Wife whole & sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament As Witness my hand written with my one hand Edward Underhill (Attestation Clause) Tho: Hodgkinson; Matt: Thompson Proved at London 11 July 1812 PCC Prob11/1535