This is the last Will and Testament of me Charlotte Shallcross Spinster of Sutton in the County of Surry which I make in manner and form following that is to say that after my funeral and other expences are paid I give to my Sister Susannah Shallcross all and everything I now possess or may hereafter be entitled to for her life there is standing in my name in the Croydon Savings Bank forty one pounds seven shillings and two pence should my said Sister Susannah stand in need of money I wish her to draw such sum as she may from time to time want for her support and after the decease of my said Sister Susannah Shallcross I give to Lydia Mills daughter of James Mills of the Sign of the Red Lion Bletchingley Surrey all my wearing apparel plate linen watch and all my household furniture I give to John Gill Junr of No 6 Thatched House Row Lower Street Islington in the County of Middlesex all my freehold property And I appoint the said John Gill Executor to this my Will In witness I the said Charlotte Shallcross have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of September 1845 Charlotte Shallcross X her Mark Witness James Hoare Grocer Sutton Surrey Hannah Hoare Sutton Surrey Affidavit of due execution by James Hoare Grocer Proved at London 15 February 1848 PCC Prob11/2070