This is the last Will and testament of me Sarah Waite late of Long Lane but now of Bermondsey New Road in the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Spinster I commit my soul to the God of all grace in humble hope of a blissful eternity I hereby give and bequeath unto my first Cousin Sophia Waite Daughter of my late Uncle Mr James Waite the sum of fifty Pounds Also I give and bequeath unto my first cousin Mrs Mary Maynard Daughter of my aforesaid uncle the sum of Fifty pounds Also I give and bequeath unto my first cousin Mr Samuel Waite the son of my aforesaid uncle the like sum of fifty pounds Also I give and bequeath to Eliza Maynard Daughter of the said Mrs Mary Maynard the sum of ten Pounds Also I give and bequeath to Charlotte Maynard Daughter of the said Mrs Mary Maynard the sum of ten Pounds And I desire that the two lastmentioned legacies bequeathed to the said Eliza Maynard and Charlotte Maynard as aforesaid be invested by my Executor and Executrix hereinafter named in some or one of the Public Funds at interest in their names and that such legacies be paid to each of them the said Eliza Maynard and Charlotte Maynard with dividends and interest thereon when and as soon as the youngest of them shall attain the age of fourteen years Also I give and bequeath to Mrs Mary Waite Widow of my aforesaid Uncle James Waite the sum of Twenty Pounds Also I give and bequeath to Mary Brent of Portsea in the County of Hants the sum of thirty pounds Also I give and bequeath to Mr William Beales of Lothbury in the City of London the sum of ten pounds to be applied if he thinks Proper in aid of the Baptist Missionary Society Also I give and bequeath to my esteemed Friend Mr Jeremiah Thompson of Bermondsey Buildings in the said County of Surrey One of my Executors hereinafter named the sum of twenty Pounds Also I give and bequeath to my esteemed Friend and Executrix hereinafter named Mrs Mary Ann Mann Wife of Mr Robert Mann of Prosper Row Bermondsey aforesaid the sum of twenty Pounds Also I give and bequeath to my esteemed friend Mrs Susanna Thompson wife of the said Jeremiah Thompson before named the sum of twenty Pounds I also give and bequeath to Jeremiah Simpson Thompson son of the said Jeremiah Thompson and to Ann Simpson Thompson Rebecca Simpson Thompson and Elizabeth Simpson Thompson Daughters of the said Jeremiah Thompson the sum of ten pounds each and I direct that the said several legacies be invested by my said Executor and Executrix hereinbefore and hereinafter named in some or one of the Public Funds at Interest in their names and that the same be Paid to each of the beforenamed legatees with the dividends and interest thereon when and as they shall severally and respectively attain the age of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath to my esteemed Friend Mrs Mary Wood Widow of the late Reverend Mr Wood the sum of five pounds Also to my esteemed Friend Mary Potter of Carter Lane Tooley Street in the Borough of Southwark the sum of Five pounds Also I give and bequeath unto the Reverend Dr Rippon of Orange Road Bermondsey aforesaid the sum of five pounds Also I give and bequeath unto the said Mary Waite Widow my best bed two Holland sheets and pillow cases low Chest of Drawers with all my Fire irons Also I give and bequeath unto my Cousin the said Sophia Waite my Bureau looking Glass Watch China and Glass Ware Also I give and bequeath unto my Cousin the said Mary Maynard my bedstead double Chest of Drawers Carpet Chairs Pictures a small Glass a stove and all my Cookery and table ware Also I give unto Ann Simpson Thompson my Card Table to Rebecca Simpson Thompson before named my Mahogany Table to Susanna Thompson before named my other bed and swing glass Also I give and bequeath unto my said Cousins Sophia Waite Mary Maynard and Samuel Waite all my books to be equally divided amongst them at their own discretion Also I give and bequeath unto the said Mary Waite my blue Silk Gown and best Cotton Gown I Also give and bequeath unto the said Mary Ann Mann my black Sarsnett Gown Also I give and bequeath unto the said Susanna Thompson a Cotton Gown with a brown ground and set Flowers my best green shawl and dimity Petticoat Also I give and bequeath unto the said Ann Simpson Thompson my Chambray Gown and blue muslin Gown Also I give and bequeath unto the said Rebecca Simpson Thompson two similar gowns Also I give and bequeath all the remainder of my Cloths and linen which may remain after the before mentioned bequests shall have been duly executed unto my said Cousins Sophia Waite and Mary Maynard to be by them equally divided at their own discretion Also I give and bequeath unto the said Sophia Waite six silver tea spoons and a pair of silver tea tongs and a silver snuff box Also I give and bequeath unto the said Mary Maynard two silver table spoons and a pap spoon And as to all my stocks or annuities in the Public Funds and all dividends thereon and all my ready money goods and chattels and all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate not herein before bequeathed I give and bequeath the same unto the said Jeremiah Thompson and Mary Ann Mann their Executors Admors and assigns In trust to sell and dispose of such part thereof as shall not consist of money and with the money arising thereof together with my said ready money in the first place to Pay and discharge all my just debts Funeral and testamentary expences and the several pecuniary legacies and afterwards to retain the residue thereof between them share and share alike And I do nominate constitute and appoint the said Jeremiah Thompson and Mary Ann Mann to be Executor and Executrix of this my last Will and testament In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Waite have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of October one thousand eight hundred and nineteen Sarah Waite (Attestation Clause) Thos Bone New Road Bermondsey _ Jno Heel No 10 Har Court Bermondsey Proved at London 2 November 1819 PCC Prob11/1622