In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Tew of the Parish of Saint Olave in Southwark in the County of Surry Baker Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) I give and devise unto my Executors hereinafter named the sum of three hundred Pounds which now stands in my Name in the Capital or Stock of the South Sea Company called Old Annuity Stock In Trust that they my said Executors shall permit and suffer my Wife Hannah Tew to receive to her own use the dividends Interest Produce and Profits of the said Stock during her natural Life and that after her decease my said Executors shall transfer the sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds part of the said Stock to my Daughter Hannah Reeves and the sum of One hundred pounds other part of the said Stock to my Son John Tew for his own use and behoof and the sum of Fifty Pounds the residue of my said Stock to my Grandson John Tew I likewise give to my said Daughter the sum of fifty pounds to be paid her within one year after my decease I likewise give to my said Son John Tew the sum of Twenty Pounds and I give to my Son James Tew One Guinea and all the residue and remainder of my Estate and Effects I give and devise to my said Wife for her own use and BehoofAnd I appoint my said Wife Hannah Tew and my said Son John Tew to be Executors of this my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fourth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty nine _ Joseph Tew (Attestation Clause) Thos Toomer _ James Gunter Proved at London 29 October 1759 PCC Prob11/850